Before a celebration to mark the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law, two AfD politicians were attacked and injured in front of the state parliament in Stuttgart. This was announced by the Stuttgart police.

Suspected party opponents blocked the state parliamentary group’s information stand on the opera forecourt on Wednesday afternoon and held up banners. Members of the faction were “attacked” verbally and physically. Two members of the state parliament were slightly injured. The perpetrators fled on foot towards the state parliament. Two women involved, aged 19 and 23, were stopped. She is being investigated. The others are still being sought.

Attacks on politicians have increased in recent days. On Tuesday, the former governing mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, was attacked and had to be taken to hospital for treatment. Last week, SPD European politician Matthias Ecke was brutally beaten in Dresden and suffered a fracture of his cheekbone and eye socket as well as hematomas on his face. According to the Saxon regional association Alliance 90/The Greens, two poster teams from the party were attacked on the same night.

As “Welt” reports, in the first six months of 2023 alone, the state criminal investigation offices recorded 349 assault, property, threatening, insulting and defamatory crimes against politicians and party members. Politicians from the Greens and the AfD were most often affected.

Sources: DPA, “Welt”