Corey Lewandowski has been disliked. He is disliked by both former President Donald Trump’s top advisors and the wider political community. He was fired last week from his role as the head of a pro Trump super PAC. Anyone who has been following Lewandowski’s life would be right to ask how a person as conniving, backstabbing and self-serving managed to hold on to power until his final downfall. Here’s the truth: he will be back.

Although I do not know his role or how he will manage it, Lewandowski will be making a comeback to Trump’s political circle. This has nothing to do Lewandowski’s behavior (despicable) or qualifications. However, Lewandowski’s sins are certain to be forgiven because of his position at the top of this syndicate. What is the real question?

However, these latest allegations against Lewandowski are certainly the most serious. Politico reported last Wednesday that Lewandowski allegedly made “unwanted sex advances” towards Trashelle Odom (the wife of a Trump donor) during a Las Vegas charity event. Odom claims that Lewandowski touched her repeatedly, including on her legs and buttocks. He also spoke to her in sexy terms,” Politico reported. Lewandowski was also said to have “stalked” her throughout her evening.

David Chesnoff (a Las Vegas attorney representing Lewandowski) issued a statement to NBC News in response to their requests. He stated that “accusations & rumors appear to be morphing every minute and we won’t dignify them further with a response.”

Odom filed a complaint against Lewandowski with the Boise Police Department after Politico’s article was published. Odom’s lawyer also stated to Politico that Lewandowski had “thrown his drink at Mrs. Odom at one point during the night, and it landed all around her shoe and bottom of her dress,” calling her stupid.

To the dismay of Trumpworld members, it is true that Lewandowski has maintained close ties with the former president. According to the Daily Beast, Lewandowski’s enemies had been lobbying Trump for his exile long before these allegations were made. It must have been a musical experience for many that Lewandowski was fired from Make America Great Again Action Wednesday. His informal advisory role to the South Dakota Governor was short. Kristi Noem’s time as an informal adviser to South Dakota Gov. ended abruptly on Friday.

Matt Lewis, a Daily Beast columnist, has an excellent rundown of Lewandowski’s horrendous behavior. Lewis claims that Trump had to let Lewandowski go because he cheated with the money. We weren’t certain that this was the end of Corey.

After allegedly assaulting a protester and grabbing a journalist, he was fired as campaign manager. Trump and presumably others ignored the video evidence, claiming that it was another person who handled the protester. Lewandowski, however, remained part Trump’s inner circle.

Trump had called for Lewandowski to run for Senate in New Hampshire as recently as 2019. Trump tried to name Lewandowski as a member of the Defense Business Board, an advisory committee to the Pentagon, before he left office. This move was blocked.

Anyone can find their way back into Trumpworld’s inner circle if they don’t bite the hand that feeds. Rudy Giuliani’s work in Trump’s legal department was so poor that his client was impeached. The campaign also refused to pay his invoices, according to reports. Yet, Trump issued a statement calling Giuliani a “great American Patriot” as well as the “Eliot Ness” of his generation after Giuliani lost their law license in June.

Take a look at Steve Bannon. Bannon, Trump’s campaign manager during the last stretch of 2016, was also the chief White House strategist at beginning of Trump’s term. He left the White House eight months later. He hasn’t stopped rallying the right wing for Trump, including at last week’s meeting of ex-Trump political appointees.

Telling the truth about your boss is the only way to be banished. For cooperating in federal law enforcement’s investigations, Trump has avoided Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal lawyer. After confirming that there wasn’t widespread fraud in the 2020 elections, William Barr, former Attorney General, is also persona non grata.

Barr and Lewandowski are different because Barr has a constituency that is not in Trump’s orbit. The Federalist Society won’t excommunicate Barr from its ranks. Lewandowski may have lost his influence after he has made enough connections with Trump’s cohort.

The Beast noted that Trump has “stood and kept in touch with Lewandowski,” allegation after allegation and outrage after outrage. Trump has demonstrated that he is open to the possibility of forgiveness and change for those who are most like him.