Emmanuel Macron celebrated Thursday, the 80th anniversary of the appeal of June 18 by Charles de Gaulle, speaking in London the “infinite gratitude” to France in respect of the british capital. A move under scrutiny from all sides, but that has not prevented the president of the Republic of indulging in a few indiscretions, notably on the subject of the tribute of the controversial Marine Le Pen in the general. The president of the national Gathering was made Wednesday, by surprise, on the island of Sein to lay a wreath of flowers and was booed by protesters.

In the columns of le Figaro, the head of State did not hide its surprise at the approach of his former rival far-right in the second round of the presidential 2017. “From where I am, I am the guarantor of the unity of the country and a spirit of harmony. The spirit of harmony, it is that everyone, also, knows find […] its rightful place in what is its own history, the history of values that it carries “, he says. For Emmanuel Macron, thus, ” sometimes to avoid the provocations to allow the celebrations calmed down “.

Read also de Gaulle, a leader aware of the be

“general de Gaulle belongs to all French people”

during his first trip abroad since February, the president of the Republic also wished to recall that the general de Gaulle ” belongs to all the French “. “It belongs to our history. No one belongs to anyone, especially if you are a free man. But he has made the history of France. And it is at the heart of our story. One of the Twentieth century. Military history, political and institutional, ” he said on France Inter.

To the right, some executives have complained about the “recovery” of the figure de Gaulle by Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. “Macron the european federalist, a friend of the banks and Brussels, seems to us more the descendant of Jean Monnet, your opponent, the more irreducible “, write a twenty elected representatives of the right in a column published on Marianne. “Whether she likes it or not, Marine Le Pen is the heir to a tradition of extreme right antigaulliste “, they add.

also Read “De Gaulle had a capacity of adaptation fascinating”

writing will advise you

Coignard – Le Pen, a Macron : to each his own de Gaulle