Finish in second position on the evening of the first round, the list of various left led by Jean-Louis Bousquet, Convergences citizens, has created the surprise by winning the city hall of Carmaux with 49,04 % of the vote. The attendance was yesterday at 54,22 % reports Le Parisien, a little more than the national average (40 %).

Since 1892, the socialist Party had not missed a single appointment election in this town of less 100 000 inhabitants. It is at the end of a triangular uncertain between the mayor PS outgoing Alain, Espié, a candidate for a third mandate, Jean-Louis Bousquet, who is the candidate a variety of the left and the national Gathering that the former mining town has put an end to over a century of history, a socialist.

” This second round has demonstrated that the socialism way Espié, the Carmausins no longer wanted. They aspire to something else. Our vision for the future, without a desire to divide has attracted “, said the evening of his victory Jean-Louis Bousquet, the elected mayor, in the columns of The Dispatch.

Read also The municipal elections and the birth of a new political landscape

The city of jean Jaurès

re-Elected without interruption deputy of the Tarn, between 1902 and 1914, the year of his death, the shadow of the great Jaurès still hangs on to the workers ‘ city, the theatre of the great strikes of 1892-1895. “Jean Jaurès remains a deity to Carmaux “, reported Le Figaro last march. François Hollande, the president of the Republic, had even made the trip in April 2014 for the centenary of the death of this guardian figure to the left.

A political legacy of which claimed the two finalists arrived in the lead on the first lap. “I claims of Jaurès, but real. Not the myth. The elected current remained in the class struggle. Jaurès has done many things for the job, unlike them “, noted Jean-Louis Bousquet in the middle of the battle for the chair city.

LREM behind

Widely distanced in most major cities by the environmentalists, the president’s party (LREM) arrives only in the fourth position in Carmaux, behind the RN that fall of almost 10 percentage points between the first and the second round. “The collective has managed to convince many people disappointed in municipal politics. Some, out of spite, were even parties to give their votes in the national Gathering. We have managed to unite on our “program, welcomes the new mayor, “very proud” of this electoral success.

Another historical stronghold of the left, Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, Indre-et-Loire, is passed to the right after a century of hegemony of the communist regime.

also Read Municipal : results in 15 cities in the headlights