For decades, is a ban on the Sexkauf in Germany, argued that the Corona-crisis, it was implemented virtually overnight, and in fact, brothels, sauna clubs and erotic massage parlors have been closed. For several weeks, prostitutes are no longer allowed to practice their profession.

Although other parts of the body can open and close to services such as Tantra Studios, Massage, cosmetics and hairdressers is opening its doors again, stay Sexstätten in most of the länder continue to be tight. However, parts of the industry to fight back: The Federal Association of Sexual services (BesD) required at the end of may in an open letter, the in the Corona-crisis closing had all prostitution sites cancel. A further closure of the brothels and a ban on Prostitution were justified by nothing.

some politicians see it that way. In their eyes it would be better they remained permanently closed. A group of Bundestag deputies of the CDU and the SPD is not requested in a recent letter to the countries to open brothels and a durable sexkauf to introduce a ban on. “Prospects” in FOCUS Online

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90 percent of the prostitutes in Germany are working under duress

support for their project, the members of the women’s Union in the state of Baden-Württemberg and Hesse. There it is, you’ve now end the “historic opportunity, the shameful exploitation of often foreign women and trafficking in human beings by a permanent closure of the brothels” to. Katja Leikert, Vice-Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag and a member of the land Executive of the women’s Union, said the claim in an official communication: “Self-determined Prostitution is unfortunately the exception. The vast majority of women in Prostitution to create out of compulsion and poverty.“

in fact, it is estimated that of the 200,000 to 400,000 prostitutes in Germany, 90 percent of them are working under duress. The Bulk (80-90 percent) comes from the South-Eastern European space. They are often lured with false promises attached. You have no health insurance and no fixed housing. While in other European countries, Prostitution is a violation of human dignity, it is seen in Germany as a sexual service as a profession.

in view of these Figures, Sandra Norak can’t understand why “in the corona crisis, the image of the many “Happy Sexworkers” is kept in the media so pushy upright”. She herself was a prostitute for six years, after a man pretended to be a love relationship, you are in a emotional dependency engine, to then lead into Prostitution (Loverboy-method). After her exit, she took her Abitur and began to study in addition to the work Jura.

  • please read: you are pushing girl into Prostitution – warning – “Loverboy”method

“Nordic model”: that is the model for the sexkauf ban

As an activist, she’s doing as well as the policy makers of the women’s Union for a sexkauf ban strong. This is to be implemented by the introduction of the so-called “Nordic model”. It is made up of four components:

  • criminalization of Sexkäufer and operator of: The purchase of sexual services is illegal.
  • decriminalization of the prostitute: The Offering of sexual services remains legal.
  • funding of exit programs for sex workers: counselling centres for sex workers should be expanded and funding increased.
  • awareness – raising and education measures in the population
  • “Many opponents argue that If the North comes in, it goes in the underground, and the Prostitution moves into illegality. If you look though the officially registered prostitutes in Germany, approximately 33,000, and compares this with the estimated 200,000 to 400,000 prostitutes, then one quickly realizes that Germany has a substrate, on the one-on-one,” said Norak FOCUS Online. And just because some businesses would seemingly operate legal Prostitution, it’d mean that everything would just walk with the right things.

    • Always informed: The Live Ticker of FOCUS Online for the Corona-crisis

    “You always have to pay attention to how you defined voluntariness in this area. I have a lot of women met first in the forced prostitution and then remained after their exploitation in Prostitution. “Voluntarily” but only because you have not made it to the coercion, the violence and Trauma into a new life“, so Norak more.

    Sweden shows: sexkauf ban street prostitution reduces

    with the introduction of the “Nordic model” she hopes that fewer women slide into Prostitution, there is less forced prostitution. Illusions that in Germany Prostitution prohibition by a Sexkauf disappears, not are you but.

    Figures from Sweden show that since the introduction of the sexkauf ban street prostitution between the years of 1998 and 2008, half gone. The law has a deterrent effect on buyers of sexual services. A similar effect Norak expected also for Germany, as well as “more legal recourse against pimps and traffickers”.

    That rape would increase if Prostitution is liable to prosecution for the Sexkäufer, you see – on the contrary: “men do not go to brothel, from there live your fantasies and go nonchalantly out of it. But they do not exceed in the case of a prostitute woman boundaries, learn to respect them outside of the brothel, miss. A liberal prostitution legislation, with legal Sexkauf promotes violence against women.”

    BesD oppose the “Nordic model”

    At the Federal Association of Sexual services (BesD) is in an uproar over the merger of the deputies in the Bundestag. The Bundestag would need the Corona-measures for a sexkauf ban, said in an official opinion of the Association.

    the success of the ban Initiative would move many Thousands of sex workers is finally on the ground under the feet. The Association argues that, “sex work takes place all over the world – even under the threat of strict sanctions. In the illegality of measures, such as the currently required contact tracing are not enforceable.“ In the eyes of the BesD, the “Nordic model” is a history of failure. It was as a means of choosing unsuitable and any protection would make thoughts come to naught.

    Stephanie Klee from the BesD told the “daily mirror”: “The call for a sexkauf prohibition is a moral claim, which is not associated with the protection of women at all”. For clover is: a equal treatment of the prostitution industry with other industries can sex work offer the best possible protection. The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

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