This Sunday, the Kings in the Congress were hollow and many suitcases. The majority of members, who live outside, were pending to take the train, the plane or the car and pissing off home, this does not seem to be Christmas or anything. It was a source of hope in these times are so uncertain: when they are able to create large consensus, they all wanted to leave soon. There were also some who were not sabbath: Errejón, convalescent, came in at ten and a half to be on the first ballot.


photo gallery in The second debate, and the vote of investiture of Pedro Sanchez, in pictures The intervention of EH Bildu in the Congress causes a lot of anger from the right

If CKD and Catalonia focused the anger on Saturday, this Sunday, for reasons merely of turn order, it was with EH Bildu, the only one that is —less-bad— gave reasons to discuss and not have to talk about the program of Government, or solutions to problems after four years of gridlock politics. It was confirmed that ETA, precisely because they are archived, since it may be a toy from the past, pulled to the side. Is going to happen as Franco, in the end, it was another byproduct of franco’s dictatorship that lasted too.

armed with the intervention of the spokesperson of the formation of the nationalist, Mertxe Aizpurua. In reality, it said nothing beyond your opinions known, about Spain and the King, but this alone was already a reason of tearing of garments for Paul Married, they came to be, literally, hit in the chest. “What a shame!”, he was protesting. “It’s justifying terrorism!”, she cried out. Aizpurua had only talked about the “recipes authoritarian” State, and criticized the speech of Felipe VI, the October 3, 2017. From the right the called of everything. Terrorist and killer. “I ask for forgiveness!”, they shouted at him. “We condemn terrorism!”, we increparon. And it is true that the Bildu there I always get caught and it hurts. If they did it would cease without any arguments to his opponents, not to the legislature, but for eternity. Even so, the right speaks with astonishing unreality, in the present tense, as if ETA was still shooting. The spokesman for UPN, Sergio Sayas, said Pedro Sanchez depends on the votes “of those who threaten them and made them look underneath the car”. The members of EH Bildu took the hands to the head. Poor things, no one understands them, then, they are not the same, that they at that time were not. The message does not just happen. It is normal for them to keep hating. But the speaker of the House, Meritxell Batet anticipate remembering what is freedom of expression, if you don’t like who speaks, and it seems that this idea does materialize.

When Aizpurua criticized the monarchy Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo jumped like a spring, and opened the Rules of the House. He sought a page and read it to Married, who was taking notes. The PP leader then asked for the word and cited article 103, for the president to intervene for “insulting the State”. “I just listen to the affirmations more nauseating that I have heard in this Chamber”, he lamented. Also protested then Citizens. It was the moment of greatest screaming and chaos. I could fear that Teodoro García Ejea threw a bone-olive (is world champion of the discipline and reaches to spare on the other side).

Paul’s Churches arose, to calm his own. Adolfo Suárez Illana, a member of the presidency of the House and sitting next to the stage, he turned in his seat to give the back-to-Aizpurua. Santiago Abascal, Vox, came out with two deputies of his party, victims of terrorism. They returned at the end of the shift of EH Bildu, while the right shouted “Freedom, freedom!”, waving to his men and thanking the applause. In his reply, Sanchez read then a tweet of another victim of ETA: “My father today would be happy, ETA does not exist and we will have a progressive Government”. This time, applause in barrage of the left. This is the picture.

This endowment has offered a new geography and practical application of the standing ovations in Congress. Up to now, what normal used to be that every one clapped only to his own, an automation purblind of a lifetime. But this Saturday and this Sunday has broken the habit: United we Can has been applauded on walk to the PSOE many times, and PP, Vox and Citizens have been fired up together. Have dissolved the boundaries between parties, but that makes the borders more hot between blocks: they are sitting together, only separated by the aisle, which looks like a moat of crocodiles, Aitor Esteban and Santiago Abascal, Inés Arrimadas and Gabriel Ruffian. The spokesman of Forum Asturias, Isidro Martínez, was shouting: “long Live the Constitution! Long live the King! ¡Viva España!”. While we responded in chorus all right: “¡Viva!”.

there Were more insults and proclamations that debate in itself, not to mention intelligent and adult. This session of the investiture of the night of Kings has left it as a gift, which was not on any letter of wishes of the spaniards, two blocks that are thrown out insults like candy and how to clap, seeming to enjoy them as if they were. It was a real parade of slaps.

in Addition how are empachan of history and gives them the vertigo all of the time fatal, perhaps, to study how they are influencing the members of the new technologies in the parliamentary activity. There may also come a day in which you have to ban mobile phones in the chamber, as in the colleges. There are many deputies who spend the meeting glued to your phone, do not listen, the worst thing in a Parliament. And then also not respond, because they are the speech written out of house, hardly interacts or is looking for human empathy. It is significant that even in the best of times broncos, many are with the mobile, on the other hand. Heat up with Twitter and your groups whatsapp and then raise the head and are there, in the Congress, but they behave the same.

he Closed the debate Adriana Lastra, which came out very warrior, even though he was not its sucks cowgirl. Accused Inés Arrimadas of “doing the ridiculous” looking for a tamayazo, in reference to the vote to betrayal of two absconding that thwarted a Government of the PSOE in the Community of Madrid in 2003. The leader of Citizens, by response, I showed him a sheet of paper that read “Adriana Lastra, curriculum vitae,” and I was just writing “PSOE”. The socialist spokeswoman had phrases very hard against the right, some huge. He said as such: “You and your partner are a danger and a threat to the freedom of women.” This while Noelia Vera, member of United we Can, rebuked the seats of the PP that made him, she and Irene Montero, gestures go home to take care of children, with the gesture of cuddling a baby in her arms.

Finally, on his covenant with CKD, Lastra reminded of Borges: “we are Not joined by love, we joined the terror”. And with this beautiful quote all explanation of their agreements with the independents, the investiture was ready for the vote to 12.10. Sanchez won a simple majority by a single vote of difference, and just in case, and to avoid scares, the PSOE, he sent a message to their mps asking that all sleep in Madrid day 6. Except surprise, the chairman-in-office will leave with it on Tuesday. The talent, the more pure is the ability to continue to live, even if you don’t know how he has done so.

Positions to pull of history, Victor Hugo also said, quoting Virgil, “despair is the weapon, which sometimes gives victory”. Hugo in The Miserables, a novelón that summarizes the seizures of the NINETEENTH century, which speaks of the insurrection failed when it does not represent fully the people and the indefatigable quest for progress, says that the drama of that haunt is “fumbling around in the darkness, without being able to wake up to the progress asleep”. Sanchez will go to sleep, and now it seems that yes, you can, in the night of the wonders of childhood, the Kings, caressing the dream of a Government unprecedented coalition of progressive, but the awakening, and the legislature, since then the promise of a nightmare.