“the life of The Black account,” proclaims the european Parliament in a resolution adopted Friday, adhering to the slogan “Black Lives Matter” to the global movement party of the United States against racism and police violence. The european politicians also expressed in this resolution, adopted by 493 votes in favour, 104 against and 67 abstentions, that the slave trade is a “crime against humanity”.

This resolution is a direct response to the events which have multiplied since the death of George Floyd, who was asphyxiated during his arrest by the police in Minneapolis, in the United States but also in Europe and around the world. In his text, the Parliament “strongly condemns the death most appalling of George Floyd in the United States, as well as murders similar elsewhere in the world.”

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Donald Trump referred

He displayed his support to the recent demonstrations against racism and discrimination and condemns the “suprémacisme white in all its forms”. The meps disapprove of the actions of the police against protesters and american journalists, peaceful”, as well as the “incendiary rhetoric” of the american President Donald Trump. “The excessive use of force against the crowd contrary to the principle of proportionality,” write they.

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The resolution also emphasizes that the speech of a racist and xenophobic do not fall within the scope of the freedom of expression. During the debate on Wednesday in plenary, a mep German of african origin, Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana (ecologist), had claimed to have seen the victim on the eve of police violence in Brussels when she photographed an intervention that she considered abusive, a version disputed by the belgian police. The Council of Human rights of the UN has also adopted Friday, unanimously, a resolution condemning systemic racism and police violence, but after the withdrawal of a statement specifically targeting the United States.

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Death of George Floyd : why we must condemn the riots ” That it is possible to be both a Black and an American “