The European Parliament is preparing to comply with the judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) of 19 December of last. The general direction of the president of the agency has issued this Monday, an internal communication, which has had access to this journal, in which he informs that at the beginning of the plenary session of the 13th of January will take note of the election as meps Oriol Junqueras, Carles Puigdemont, and Toni Comín. These last two have received this same Monday, the credential standing that qualifies them as members of parliament, according to have informed sources of the defence and have been confirmed since the european Parliament. Both have posed with the identification to the doors of the chamber, and see so clear the road to sit in his seat next week, six months after its launch.

The case of Junqueras is more complex. The european Parliament has not yet received the written consent of the Central Electoral Board (JEC) in which it is resolved that the leader of the ERC may not take possession of the certificate. And sources of the community institution explained that the communication, although it recognizes them as mp with retrospective effect from the 2nd of July, does not imply that Junqueras will occupy his seat in the first session of the year: it only implies that the national electoral commission, in the proclamation of the results of the 13 June, where a figure his name, he became a member of the european parliament automatically, but landing in Strasbourg is at the expense of what you decide now the Supreme Court.

on January 3, the national electoral commission ruled that Junqueras could not be a member of the european parliament in application of article 6.2 of the Organic Law on the General Electoral Regime (Goel), which states that “they are ineligible those convicted by final judgment to imprisonment, the duration of the penalty”, and announced that he planned to communicate to the european Parliament.


ERC has recourse to the Supreme court the disbarment of Junqueras as a member of the european parliament The Central Electoral Board resolves that Junqueras may not be mep

The measure has provoked the reaction of the Popular Party spokesman in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, which has sent a letter to the president of the Chamber, the Italian David Sassoli, in requesting that he accept the criterion of the Central Electoral Board, “and revoke the decision” to recognize the republican leader. The counterpart of Citizens, Luis Garicano, also was critical, and interpreted the movement in key policy Spanish. “What we are faced with another gesture of Sanchez to the independentistas to gain support for the endowment? We wonder if Sassoli has received a call from Sanchez to act in this way so abrupt and surprising”.

Junqueras was elected mep in the elections of 26 may. However, the Supreme Court did not allow the leader of ERC to leave the jail to pick up his act euro mp. Instead, the Supreme court introduced a preliminary reference before the CJEU to be the european judges who indicate how they had to behave in this case. The Court of Luxembourg ruled that the leader of ERC should have been released and that it enjoyed immunity when he was proclaimed member of the european parliament a day after the end of the trial of the procés; then came the judgment of the Supreme that disqualified the leader of the republicans.

Esquerra Republicana sent yesterday a letter to the national electoral commission in which communicates your intent to file an administrative remedy before the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court against the decision of the electoral body to remove Junqueras, the condition of mep that he was acknowledged by the CJEU. In parallel, ERC request the Supreme court to implement measures “cautelarísimas” against the decision of the national electoral commission, and therefore calls for that you will not run. Now, the Supreme court has to make a decision on this matter after hearing the parties, that have already filed their written submissions on the case.