a Lot of time for a very important project: Two days, 21 hours, went to the top politicians of the Great coalition in the exam, in order to negotiate this economic stimulus package. The secrecy would also fit well to a Conclave. On the main lever, the temporary reduction in VAT, had remained silent, the negotiators strictly out.

The thing you seem to value. The goal: Germany’s economy to come back up to speed. It was actually a large package of mini flaws paint.

“Have you any other Worries?”

Who unpacks today, the big list, to write neatly, where the SPD and where what Union party, needs a harsh stop-Signal: “do you Have any other Concerns?” The answer is: “Yes, very many and very serious.” The Coronavirus is threatening to press Germany’s economy in the cellar, many workers fear for their Jobs, thousands of companies are teetering on the Brink. Because it needs strong answers. What is of interest to the game, and political power wars, when it comes to hundreds of thousands of existences?

not Manage to bring the economic engine back in gear, then we are all lost, the Union, the SPD and especially the Land.

  • All decisions at a Glance

VAT as a lever

A strong consumption impulse for the entire width of the economy will be set with this package, in any case: Lower VAT for some months, and a children’s bonus of 300 Euro per child velvet Extra for Single parents be useful to answer the K-question of this day: to Buy the consumer, buy it. And the state wants to animate you. The goal of the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) has been formulated so: “We want to come up with the punch out of the crisis.”

That a family bonus, all parents – whether as children or money as a free amount of benefit, not as a precise measure goes through, is obvious. Because couples considered that the money does not need to be. You could have a smarter way. As for the state a billion piles up to a billion.

redeem the “social guarantee”?

is not clear Also, so far as the Grand coalition-actors, their “social guarantee” does not want to redeem, at the same time, to ensure that the wage increase, in addition to costs of about 40 percent, but more the tried-and-tested social Standards. Alone for the health sector, a few cheques are still on the road.

Otherwise, however, applies for the package: It is thick and creative enough to come up with the big billion-the number of the necessary change in mood to initiate.

car premium clever solved

the tips of The coalition have agreed to additional aid in the billions for industries and culture sectors that are hit by the crisis particularly hard. There is “Bridging loans” in the amount of up to 25 billion euros. The cost of electricity is capped, in railway and urban transport support the procurement and planning law will be accelerated, innovation – the catchword is: hydrogen technology are pushed. Helps a lot in this case a lot.

Over weeks,? the country is split over the question: For which cars it should be a purchase premium The response of the coalition is of Solomon. The real bonus is only available for electric cars. Of the temporary VAT reduction but all will benefit. Clever solved.

economy again

And the municipalities are not left alone: The tips of the CDU, SPD and CSU do not want the failures can be compensated for in the trade tax revenues of the Federal government and the länder together. And: For this and next year, the Federal government could assume, in addition, 20 percent of the costs for the accommodation in the basic security benefits for job-seekers. This is a relief.

so What to bring the decisions of the coalition bottom line? The Chancellor has named a few days ago the scale, you have to create this package. It is, as Angela Merkel (CDU), to adopt a stimulus program to help the economy recover and grow. This could succeed.

the end of the flag rod in point of view

first, huge package with a protective shield for the Employed, self-employed and companies, there were finally already. It is the biggest help was already a package in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany. 353,3 billion euros in aid, 819,7 billion euros in guarantees. For the financing of the first package, the Federal government must take new loans in the amount of about 156 billion Euro. So now, billions more to come with other ideas.

It is likely to be on this warm June day in Berlin most of actors is clear: It will be the last Time that the Federal government hearkened to the Calls for assistance, with the utmost frankness. The end of the flagpole is in sight.

Now it needs optimism

The policy can help in all of this, only toast. That’s what she did. Have to struggle for others.

“We want to try to get out of this extremely difficult Situation, strong together to come out,” said Merkel. A major effort is worth it, this dramatic, global downward movement in the counter. The policy sets. Optimism must now follow. Or decide you can’t prescribe the.

Vorvotum in June: increase in the broadcasting contribution could already be on the East fail to FOCUS Online/Wochit Vorvotum in June: increase in the broadcasting contribution could already be on the East fail and an Exxtra for