The specialty of Teresa Ribera (Madrid, 50 years), an authority on climate change, goes hand in hand with another not less difficult: to deal with that flow well with holocaust denier or a skeptic that summarized a citizen anonymous to the tv cameras, taking a finger to the eye: “Where is the contamination, I see.” But not only that. Twelve years ago, when I was already in the socialist government as the secretary of State for Climate Change –previously was director-general, went to THE COUNTRY to be interviewed by the readers. One made him see that he was leaving to run every morning, took notes of the distance traveled and the time that he was, and had been able to “see” that the last winter had been the longest and cold since 1993: how could this be? Among those in favor of the fight against climate change, a man “observed” that the citizens bought cars off-road that pollute more. A third party was wondering why it was still making roads. A fourth is interested in knowing if I would have to leave Spain to fight global warming. Neither is the response of the new vice-president of the Spanish Government was reassuring: “The truth, I hope not. We are in a sensitive area, and especially affected, with scenarios of significant increases in temperature and significant changes in available water resources”.

All the political career of Bank (officer of the Higher Body of State administration until 2012, when he asked for the leave of absence, and a university professor in the Autónoma of Madrid) has built-in a cause that has gained in importance in parallel to the power and influence of the own Bank: climate change and the need, ever more pressing, of act. His was part of the success of the Summit organized by Madrid a month ago, but its path does not start with Pedro Sanchez or Jose Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the former president of the Government which opted for it, but in the Ministry of Environment which was then Jaume Matas (PP), where he entered as a high official in the department of Climate Change. From there began a climbing professional and political with an idea, renewable energy, sustainable planet, and emissions reduction idea that led to the private company (Isofoton) and the Institute of Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), one of the global institutions is key in the development of sustainability policies.


These are the new ministers of the Government of Pedro Sanchez, The valves of the coalition Government of Pedro Sánchez prepares a Government-profile political

Is social-democrat declared, advocate health care and public education, where they studied her and their three daughters. She is married to Mariano Bacigalupo, a member of the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC). Living in Majadahonda, madrid and, according to warn from his inner circle, up to the day prior to being named minister, she moved around using the public transport, which encourages. Is hiking, walking for hours, and one of his hobbies is to do it, as far as you can, by the sierra of Madrid. And among his passions, besides reading (one of their writers preferred is Almudena Grandes), is the cooking. “Of all and for all”, say those who have shared table with her. It is a large family, the eldest of five sisters. A member of your team has the godmother policy of the Bank, the woman that introduced in this activity, it is the lawyer, activist and president of Movement for Peace Paquita Sauquillo, historical defender of the liberties during the dictatorship, deputy in the Madrid Assembly, mep and senator.

“When you believe in something, you are going to death”, they say in their environment. It is methodical, patient and obsessive. “Decisive” is the word most used by those who have seen it in their political action. It highlighted its experience in the field of ecological transition that have become a reference in european policies. One of the reasons for his vice, beyond the readings policies about lies in the same parallel portfolios of feminism and equality that had Carmen Calvo: it is the intention that the ecological transition is cross-sectional and acting on the rest of the ministries from a higher position. Their exposure in public life has not corrected yet his oratory, interestingly agile and intelligible when you talk in private, explaining with patience all those things, but too technical and forced to do it in public.

Teresa Ribera, future vice-president of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge Sciammarella

“The biggest blunder you could make a representative is, to the fear of the answer, don’t do anything,” he said two months ago the journalist Manuel Planelles in THE COUNTRY. “Those countries producers of fossil fuels whose tax revenue and GDP continue to rely heavily on them, they run the risk of getting caught. And therefore do not have income to finance their public policies demanded by its middle classes, not being able to invest… it Would be a mistake that an agent with a fear of addressing what the change means don’t do it,” he said. His power now, and that of his department, is greater than ever.