In a counter-proposal to the German-French plans have made four smaller EU States to bring the economy in the Corona-crisis with cheap loans instead of grants back into the swing. Austria, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands, in your approach to an emergency Fund, for the EU Commission to borrow in financial markets, and then to the member States, should be enough. This assistance would ultimately have to be paid back. The multiple announced counter-proposal was presented to the German press Agency on Saturday.

The money must be used for the reconstruction and the future resilience of the health sector and the economy, they say. The four States that refer to themselves as the “Thrifty Four”, also made it clear that they will not agree to a mutualisation of debt and an increase in the EU budget. Especially the requirement to a time limitation of the emergency assistance to two years, it was stressed.

Short-criticized Plan of Merkel and Macron sharp

criticized, especially Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz of the conservative ÖVP had in the past few days, the proposal of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and French President Emmanuel Macron. “We want to have a time limit, so it really is a Corona-emergency assistance and is not a liability Union through the back door,” said Short on Saturday in Germany radio.

Merkel and Macron had recently with a concept for a reconstruction plan to the Coronavirus pandemic in the amount of 500 billion euros to be submitted. The money should be taken from the EU-Commission as loans on the capital market and on the EU budget as grants are distributed. Crisis countries such as Italy or Spain, but also the affected industries could receive grants. All 27 EU would have to be, but countries agree.

the design of The EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, now faces the difficult task of a consensus model. You will present next Wednesday a new proposal for the EU finances from 2021 until the end of 2027, the should also include a plan for the reconstruction of the Corona-pandemic beleaguered economy. Corona Outcry from Frank Thelen at Lanz: “Ashamed for my country” FOCUS Online/Wochit Corona Outcry from Frank Thelen at Lanz: “Ashamed for my country”

Von der Leyen is preference by looking

in addition to a concept for a reconstruction Fund (Recovery Fund), it is expected that funds from the multiannual financial are to be used in the context of boosting the economy. In a working paper of the EU Commission is proposed, for example, to invest in the next two years, € 20 billion in a program, the consumer is encouraged to purchase cleaner cars. In addition, there could be 40 to 60 billion euros for investments in emission-free drives, and other resources for electric columns and tank charging stations for Alternative fuels.

with regard to the reconstruction Fund, had von der Leyen recently a clear preference for the German-French approach. “This goes in the direction of the proposal, the Commission is working,” she explained to the thrust of Merkel’s and Macrons. Also, EU Council President Charles Michel had spoken of a step in the right direction, and compromise for the sake of all 27 EU States.

He himself became a patient: a nurse loses 23 pounds in 6 weeks due to Covid-19-disease PCP, He himself became a patient: a nurse loses 23 pounds in 6 weeks due to Covid-19-disease