After the sabotage attack on the Deutsche Bahn radio network about a week ago, the group wants to arm itself against system failures with additional network capacities, among other things. The group informed the supervisory board about this at a special meeting on Friday, according to circles of the control committee. The aim is therefore to set up further so-called redundancies in the network, either by using free capacities or by laying new cables.
In addition, the railways are planning more security checks along the routes, also in cooperation with the federal police. In the case of objects in need of protection, the security concepts should also be checked in cooperation with the authorities.
Last weekend, unknown perpetrators cut off an important radio network on the railways in two different places in North Rhine-Westphalia and in Berlin, which is used, among other things, by engine drivers and control centers to communicate with each other. As a result, rail traffic in northern Germany came to a complete standstill for several hours. Throughout the day, there were also subsequent delays and train cancellations in other regions.
At first nothing was known from the supervisory board on Friday about the status of the investigation. In the meantime, the federal prosecutor’s office has taken over the investigation. Because of possible anti-constitutional sabotage, the authorities in Karlsruhe initiated proceedings against unknown persons on Thursday, she said.