
In the coastal waters of Southern California, a troubling phenomenon is unfolding, threatening the health and safety of both sea lions and beachgoers alike. Described by local experts as one of the most severe poisoning events in recent memory, sea lions are being affected by a toxic substance known as domoic acid, causing alarming symptoms and behavioral changes in these marine mammals.

Surfer Rj LaMendola recently had a harrowing encounter with a sea lion off the coast of Ventura County, an experience he described as “feral, almost demonic.” While out on his board near Oxnard, the sea lion attacked him, biting and dragging him off his surfboard. Despite paddling away in fear, the sea lion continued to stalk him, highlighting the dangerous consequences of interacting with sick animals.

As warnings are issued to the public about the risks posed by these poisoned sea lions, local rescuers are facing a daunting challenge in responding to the increasing number of affected animals. The Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro has already taken in at least 140 sea lions displaying symptoms of domoic acid poisoning, along with 50 dolphins that are often euthanized due to the severity of their condition.

Domoic acid, a neurotoxin produced by harmful algal blooms, accumulates in filter-feeding fish like anchovies and sardines, which are then consumed by marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and dolphins. These toxic blooms have been exacerbated by human activities that contribute to climate change and ocean acidification, making them more frequent and intense over time.

John Warner, Chief Executive of the Marine Mammal Care Center, emphasizes the detrimental impact of these toxic blooms on marine wildlife, particularly male sea lions who are showing higher susceptibility to the effects of domoic acid compared to previous events. The center is facing capacity strains as they work tirelessly to provide care and treatment to the sick animals, relying on public and private partnerships for support.

Moving forward, it is crucial for the public to be educated on proper protocols when encountering stranded marine animals. By keeping a safe distance, refraining from taking selfies, and promptly reporting any sightings to the appropriate authorities, individuals can help protect these vulnerable creatures from further harm. As Warner reminds us, “Selfies kill animals, so use your zoom, and stay away.”

In the face of this ongoing crisis, the resilience and dedication of organizations like the Marine Mammal Care Center serve as beacons of hope for the recovery and preservation of our marine ecosystems. By coming together as a community, we can ensure a safer and healthier future for the sea lions and other marine animals that call the California coast their home.