The last generation climate group started its announced actions with protest marches through downtown Berlin. According to initial police estimates, a total of around 150 people took part in various protest marches, a spokesman said. The police were therefore deployed with around 200 officers. They intervened early to prevent blockages as far as possible. Nevertheless, there were minor obstacles. The group initially announced disruptions and blockades in the government district starting this Wednesday, and then throughout the capital from Monday.
On Wednesday, the actions “were within the expected range,” said a police spokesman. According to the traffic information center (VIZ), there were traffic jams in some areas. The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) had temporarily suspended some lines, it said on Twitter. The last generation posted videos and pictures of protest marches on the streets of Berlin on Twitter.
Habeck also criticized the actions
Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) criticized the actions. “This protest does not make climate protection a majority, but annoys people, divides society and in this respect it is not a helpful contribution to climate protection. I think the action is wrong,” Habeck told RTL / ntv. Criticism also came from the Berlin police union (GdP): “As expected, the first actions took place today in which crimes were committed in the name of the climate and through which attempts were made to endanger our democratic cohesion.”
Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP), who himself is often criticized by the last generation, accused the group of a lack of willingness to talk. “This group has never sought a dialogue with me,” Wissing told the news portal “The Pioneer” (Wednesday). The group denied this allegation. “We have contacted Minister of Transport Wissing several times,” said a spokesman on request. Most recently, an email was sent to all federal ministers a week ago.
The demands of the activists
The last generation complains about the lack of climate protection and demands the establishment of a society council with random members. This is to draw up plans to phase out fossil fuels such as oil, coal and gas in Germany by 2030.
The actions are not time-limited. They should only end when demands have been met. What, when, how and where exactly is planned is usually kept secret by the group.