While Vladimir Putin was preparing for his big performance and countdowns were running on Russian state television until “the signing of the treaties for the accession of new regions to the Russian Federation”, unknown activists left a message at the grave of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s parents.

They laid a page from a school diary at the Serafimovsky Cemetery in St. Petersburg. “Dear parents! Your son is behaving horribly! He skips history class, fights with his neighbors at the table, threatens to blow up the whole school! Act!”

The Telegram channel “Feminist Anti-War Resistance” publicized the action. A photo of the action was also published on the Telegram channel “Party of the Dead”. Previously, the activists of this project were searched. The “Party of the Dead” has already carried out art actions against the war, including at the Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery in Saint Petersburg – a mass burial site for victims of the blockade and defenders of what was then Leningrad in World War II. At least 470,000 people are buried here.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin is doing everything it can to suggest a holiday mood in Russia. Thousands of people are apparently being rounded up for a solemn rally in Moscow. Some participants are lured with money, others are forced to participate by their employers. As is so often the case at such events, students from various universities are also rounded up for the rally. Read more about this here.

The Kremlin chief’s parents, Vladimir Putin and Maria Putina, died in 1999 and 1998, respectively, before their son became president. Putin grew up in modest circumstances. His parents were factory workers. His father Vladimir Putin fought against Nazi Germany in World War II. His mother Maria Putina (née Shelomova) survived the blockade of Leningrad. Putin is the couple’s third child. He never met his brothers. They died when they were still children.