Du Puy du Fou at the Elysée palace ? If the path seems full of obstacles for Philippe de Villiers, the ex-president of the general council of the Vendée is not the type to insult the future. Also, the septuagenarian doesn’t rule out campaign against Emmanuel Macron during the presidential election of 2022. “I contemplate nothing, but I do not close any door. No door or window “, assured the person on the plateau of RMC, Tuesday, June 30, 2020.

An ambition élyséenne which seems to be guided by anger. Disillusioned by the state of the country, Philippe de Villiers “can do no more” : “I am 71 years old, I am in full health, and I don’t want to die as a coward. I am not nothing “, ton the one who has already tried his luck in 2007, gaining 2.23 percent of the vote in the first round.

“Chronic cold a terrifying story”

Philippe de Villiers did not hide his complicated relationship with the current tenant of the Elysée palace. He has also published on 10 June last, The Gauls refractory demand accountability in the New World (Fayard), a pamphlet against the power in place and success in the bookstore. The book is very critical of the management of the health crisis by the government of Emmanuel Macron. Philippe de Villiers says he wanted to write ” the chronic cold a terrifying story “. Will he change the course ? Response in may 2022.

also Read In his latest book, Philippe de Villiers is the trial of the “new world” Macron

writing will advise you

Philippe de Villiers : “Our leaders are pâment before the speech racialiste “