EU negotiator, Michel Barnier, is frustrated. So much So that he tried, even in sarcasm. Boris Johnson have signed the Political Declaration, in which both sides pledge themselves to a comprehensive agreement about their future relationship. “There is in all languages, also in English…”. The French Diplomat accuses the British that they comply with the Promises, and could not be bridged on the Basis of the differences.

No approach makes it clear, but further talks

In the Detail Barnier once more that, for him, and the EU heads of government, who have commissioned him, the Political Declaration from the previous year is the Basis of the negotiations. In Paragraph 77, for example, stipulated that there should be no distortions in the future competition between the UK and the EU. That’s why Britain would have been obligated, the applicable high Standards. They are grouped under the Heading of “level plaing field” for fair competition.

Barnier also called the nuclear safety and security, rules against money laundering, the fisheries, or foreign policy, where there is no rapprochement of positions. “This is the Moment of truth and we expect that the UK meets its obligations,” says the EU Diplomat. Now to wait for a summit meeting between Boris Johnson and the EU leaders, whether political movement was possible.

with regard to the possible extension, stresses Barnier, the door further open. But he knows that London wants to remain in his refusal. Nevertheless, he wants to negotiate, if possible, already at the beginning of July: “We can be Common in the next few months and at the end an agreement was reached”. Last possible date is, however, of the 31. October, so that the agreement could at least be ratified by the European Parliament.

state aid and other issues

Particularly striking is the differences of opinion on the subject of state aid. The EU has strict rules that she wants the British to bind, in order to prevent “distortion of competition”, as Barnier is running. This is not a technocratic question, explains the EU negotiators, it is a question of Fair Play. They wanted to avoid any Dumping. These rules are actually one of the most sensitive points of world trade and provide for endless dispute. The Europeans do not want a new Front with the UK, but the rules that bind the British are here, the hands.

Also in the case of fisheries, the calls from the EU are dangers-visual feast. Each year new quotas and fishing grounds keeps them to negotiate for unbearable. There was a need for medium-term security. And Barnier repeated the famous threat: “No agreement in the case of fish means any trade agreement”. For some member countries the fisheries is important. France heard about.

an Important Moment

“We are now at an important Moment for these talks,” says the British negotiator David Frost on his part. We have virtually reached the limits of what you can achieve in the digital formal rounds. And also he says that the progress is limited. Which means that there is no. If one wanted an agreement, it is necessary to accelerate the work and to intensify it.

With the previous pace was not measured in other trade agreements slowly. Because the technical Details are complex, and each step must be legally protected. On the other hand, both sides acknowledge that the Internet communication was an obstacle, because it makes personal contact at the edge and the non-public explore of compromises impossible.

Frost speaks of an agreement by the end of the year, in order for the economy to get security. But he adds: “such An agreement must, of course, draw the reality of the well-established Position in the UK for a ‘level playing field’, to fisheries and to the other difficult issues to consider”. Thus, Frost urges again the EU to meet the British demands.

what’s next?

anyway, it All starts now with the conversation between Boris Johnson and Ursula of the Leyen, which should always take place via Video next week. The President of the Commission has no mandate to weaken the EU Position. But Johnson will signal a certain willingness to compromise? So far, there are still no signs.

The EU seems not yet ready to talk more. As in the case of the exit negotiations, one wants to avoid to get the blame for a Failure process can be observed. And even Michel Barnier acknowledged that an agreement can be reached, if at all, this Time, probably only in the very last Minute.

First reactions from the European Parliament, the Frustration show in Brussels. Anna Cavazzini is called the conduct of the negotiations of the British Prime Minister’s “little trustworthy”. She was a blackmail strategy, which is based on “the EU through the Delay Block, and to Insist on impossible positions with a threat of a No-Deal scenario, in order to change”. The Europeans should not give in.

a disorderly Brexit Threatens?

A No-Deal-Brexit would be but given the “severe economic dislocations caused by the Corona-crisis is irresponsible,” stresses the trade expert of the Green. In addition, it would be a dangerous calculus “should be Johnson hope to the economic consequences of a disorderly Brexits with the already serious Corona follow the charge”. Nevertheless, the EU needs to strengthen now your preparations for this case.

“A breakthrough looks different. If the United Kingdom doesn’t conform to his stubborn negotiating position slowly, will come to no agreement,” explains the EPP MEP Markus Ferber. You get the impression that the British would work towards a Burst of the negotiations. Johnson had to bring in his upcoming talks with the EU leaders “a real offer. Otherwise, we are in a cul-de-SAC.”

And the criticism by the Confederation of German industry is in focus: “The Trouble in the companies about the lack of progress grows,” explains managing Director Joachim Lang. If London give no sign that the government was going to move on key issues, would face a hard Brexit. The industry representatives called it in addition, “irresponsible”, the extension of the deadline, reject it. “Failure of the negotiations would be a Destaster on both sides of the English channel”.

author: Barbara Wesel

*The contribution of “Post-Brexit: there is No progress, but the door remains open,” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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