This Tuesday morning, Édouard Philippe is expected to Evry, in the Essonne, to meet police officers working in difficult neighborhoods, according to announcements made by the government in the framework of the improvement of the conduct of the forces of law and order. The prime minister has indicated in a press release that the Prime minister will meet with members of the security forces “present in daily life in neighborhoods” and ” will focus on prevention and strengthening the link between the police and the population put in place by the departmental directorate of public security “.

Read also The police is not racist, but…

the head of The government will then go into the premises of the association, Generation 2, for a discussion on citizen engagement and to remember that ” the government’s determination to combat all forms of racism or discrimination “. The Interior minister Christophe Castaner called on Monday, at a press conference, a “zero tolerance” of racism in law enforcement, including the suspension will be “systematically considered for each hint found” in the field.

A “reform” in-depth inspections of the ministry of the Interior “

He also announced the abandonment of the method of apprehension police controversial ” decision by the neck, so-called bottlenecks “, and a “reform” in-depth inspections of the ministry of the Interior “. These ads have left it “doubtful” the police unions, particularly the prohibition of the ” technical bottlenecks “. Seized by Christophe Castaner, the parquet de Paris opened on Friday a survey of racist messages posted on Facebook and attributed to the forces of the order, in full wave of indignation related to the death of George Floyd in the United States and mobilization in France against the police violence.

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