Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, secretary general of the PSOE, has been achieved by this Tuesday in a tight vote the investiture as president of the Government after obtaining a simple majority in the second ballot in the Congress of Deputies, and already has the green light to train with United we Can, the first Executive of the coalition of the current period of democracy. With his appointment, Spain closes a stage of ten months with an Executive office, with two general elections, and in politics has been polarized and institutions have been subjected to the greatest strain in decades, with the challenge for pro-independence Catalan and the emergence of the extreme right of the Vox.

In the vote on Tuesday has been traced practically the result of the first ballot last Sunday, in which Sánchez, 47 years old, not got the absolute majority required by the article 99 of the Constitution. The socialist leader has obtained the investiture more pressed for democracy with the support of 167 mps —PSOE (120), United we Can (35), PNV (6), More Country-Compromís (3), New Canary (1), BNG (1) and Teruel Exists (1)—. A total of 165 deputies have issued a negative vote —PP (88), Vox (52), Citizens (10), Junts per Catalunya (8), CUP (2), UPN (2), CC (1), Foro Asturias (1) and PRC (1). The session have been attended by 350 deputies, after which the Sunday record the absence of Aina Vidal. This parliamentary In Commune-Can by Barcelona, afflicted with a cancer, has received excited the applause general of the chamber.

The investiture of Sanchez and the left coalition Government has been possible thanks to the abstention decisive of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (13) and EH Bildu (5). The pro-independence catalans have exercised their seats to start the new Government, a table of bilateral negotiations with the Generalitat, whose details have not been explained although the PSOE insists that to be within the constitutional framework. “It’s not going to break Spain” was the first sentence of the speech with which Sanchez presented his government programme for the investiture this past Saturday.


DIRECT Investiture of Pedro Sanchez, live Montserrat Bassa (ERC): “I a damn about the governance of Spain”

Today, in place of Gabriel Ruffian, the spokesman of CKD has been Montserrat Bassa, sister Dolors Bassa, exconsejera Catalan sentenced to 12 years in prison for sedition, and malfeasance, that, moved by the pain family, but from the stage the more solemn of the Spanish policy, has qualified to the socialist deputies of “executioners” and “accomplices” of the police violence against the Catalan citizens who came out to vote in the referendum illegal on the 1 October 2017. “Personally, I care a damn of the governance of Spain,” said Bassa, which, however, has defended the abstention of his group to the endowment as an opportunity for “dialogue”. The socialist spokeswoman, Adriana Lastra, has not made any reference to those words in his speech.

The socialist leader gets it, finally, access to the Presidency of the Government by investiture in parliament, after arriving at The Moncloa in June 2018 as a result of the motion of no confidence that deposed the popular prime minister, Mariano Rajoy. In February 2019, CKD, immersed in his struggle with JxCat to lead the pro-independence Catalan, overthrew the Budgets and Sanchez called for general elections on the 28th of April. The elections had to be repeated on November 10, following the inability of the PSOE and we Can form a coalition similar to the one that today will see the light.

On the way, Citizens, that could have formed Government with the PSOE in April with its 57 members, has been rolled up to 10 seats. And Vox, content in the spring, with 24 minutes, has shot up to 52 seats. The match Santiago Abascal has imposed its reactionary agenda and has drawn the PP to its more extreme version, which portends an opposition without concessions and a legislature beyond the tension. In the last days, the right has tried to convince deputies socialists and other formations, like Teruel, Exists to prevent vote to the birth of the new progressive Government with the support of the pro-independence. And the ultra-right has mobilized against the agreement of the “167 traitors” to Spain and some of its leaders, such as mep Hermann Tertsch, have lively, just in a veiled language, to the Armed Forces to stage a coup against the Government “illegitimate”.

The rhetoric inflamed this weekend —and today— both in Congress and in the social networks and the media of the right, has failed, however, his goal to thwart the new Government in which they sit, for the first time since the adoption of the 1978 Constitution, ministers of a party to the left of the PSOE. Paul Churches will be vice-president for social matters and in the new cabinet of Sanchez will also have a portfolio Irene Montero (Equality), Yolanda Diaz (Working), Alberto Garzón (Consumption) and Manuel Castells (Universities). It is expected that the ministers of the PSOE will be meeting over the next few hours.

Clear the climate toxic

In the session of Tuesday, Pedro Sánchez has shown hopeful in “clearing this climate toxic,” and the “atmosphere of irritation,” that crosses Spain, and used to do this a quote from the president of the Second Republic, Manuel Azaña, as used by Mariano Rajoy in 2017, and José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in 2007: “we are All sons of the same sun, and tributaries of the same river.” The PP and Vox have been commissioned to make it clear that they will not. Paul Married has arrogated to themselves the defence of the King and of the victims of terrorism, “raped”, he said following the intervention, the Sunday, the spokesman for Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua.

“You forced a pact with the ultra-left, pro-independence and batasunos and today we bring partners without giving an explanation to the spaniards. Lied and that is the stigma that is born by this Government”, he said Married. The popular leader from Vox two of their flags and Abascal focused his speech in pointing out indiscriminately to immigrants, citing a series of attacks on sexual and gender-based violence committed by foreigners.

The leader of we Can, and the future vice-president, Pablo Iglesias, has taken on the task of responding to the attacks of the right-wing parties: “If you want to defend the Monarchy, to avoid the Monarchy is identified with you. If something knew the king Juan Carlos I, who came from where he came from, is that only away from the right the institution could pervivir. Maybe you have become you to the greatest threat to the Monarchy”, they have been expected to PP and Vox. She has also read a message from Rosa Lluch, daughter of the former minister, socialist Ernest Lluch, who was killed by ETA: “do Not speak to you on behalf of the victims of terrorism. Enough of using our pain for their benefit”.