The standing committee of national Coalition Canaria (CC) considered to be “very serious,” the decision of his deputy Ana Oramas of a no vote on the first ballot of the session of investiture of Pedro Sanchez and asks parliament to reconsider its decision and refrain, as agreed by the party. In a meeting held this Monday, the formation decided to send a letter to reconsider his attitude. The deputy, however, will vote this Tuesday the same as last Sunday, that is to say, no, according to reveal to THE COUNTRY sources of its environment.


Oramas ignores the decision of coalición Canaria and will vote not on the endowment of Sanchez The dilemma of Coalition Canaria party territorial increase the endowment, with demands of investments and competence

The party secretary general, José Miguel Barragán, said through a statement that the consequences of this situation affect “the internal environment of Coalition Canaria”. “Our training policy will decide through their bodies the steps to be taken and shall communicate the same as and when appropriate and we will not allow others to mark the sense of our actions”, he noted.

The governing national political party agreed last Friday, by unanimity of its 100 members would have to abstain in the investiture of Pedro Sánchez to understand “insufficient offers” of the PSOE in negotiations to achieve an affirmative vote of the nationalists in the canary islands. In addition, the training instructed the secretary-general that, in the event that there are any changes, could assess whether to keep the abstention.

For his part, his deputy Ana Oramas said last Saturday, during his intervention at the Congress, which had decided to vote against it because he felt that the agreement reached between the PSOE and ERC “puts an end to the rule of law as we know it”.

The veteran parliamentary bore hard against the PSOE, accused him of being “on his knees before the secesionismo” and having agreed with “those who want to destroy Spain.” “I have hold of all of the ways, but I don’t think betraying the Canary islands”, he said. Last June, the Coalition Canaria refused to facilitate the endowment of Sanchez if pactaba with Pablo Iglesias. “To the canaries, we Can means to Venezuela. Policies podemitas led to the richest country in South America to bankruptcy”, said in an interview last November in this newspaper. In the Canary islands is called Venezuela “the eighth island” due to the strong presence of migrants from the archipelago in the country.

During the first session of the debate of investiture, Sanchez tried to convince her that abstaining in the vote. “I ask that you reflect. Let at least start the legislature with abstention and no vote against.” The deputy replied that it stood firm in its position, and gave to understand that he would follow in the not, even though I was kicked out of his party for breaking the discipline of vote. At its meeting this Sunday, the party leadership decided not to take any disciplinary action and give them the opportunity to rectify their position. But Oramas is maintained in the no.