Previously had control of the Federal police near the Dutch border, the just-arrived 28-year-old motorists, as officials reported on Friday. But fled with his car and then on foot. The 28-Year-old had a good head start, because in the pursuit of two police came across vehicles.

Now the retired detectives came into the game, made just with friends, a break: “The ‘Rentnercop’ observed the escape of the man, grabbed his E-Bike and pursued the Fugitives so,” said the police. As the 28-Year-old jumped over a wall, “combined the local Nettetal, where the man would probably reach befahrbares Terrain”, according to police. The pensioners went to the right place and cut the smugglers the way.

8,5 kilos of amphetamine and Ecstasy

With the “energetic approach and unmistakable Gestures,” he brought him to the ground. The Federal police officers were able to take the young man finally stated. Once in the car the drugs were discovered, among other things, to 8.5 pounds of liquid amphetamine and a number of Ecstasy tablets sent to him by a judge on Thursday remanded in custody. In the case of a collision during the tracking travel four police officers were slightly injured. Cem Özdemir: “people like the Uniform belongs to stripped – and-now” FOCUS Online/Wochit Cem Özdemir: “people like the Uniform belongs undressed and instantly”
