Local and state representatives reacted with disappointment to statements made by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) on supporting the federal government in caring for refugees. The German Association of Towns and Municipalities complained on Thursday about the lack of a long-term strategy. The President of the German District Association, Reinhard Sager, accused Faeser of refusing to work in limiting the immigration of asylum seekers with no prospects of staying. Bavaria called the behavior of the SPD politician “refusal of reality”.
Faeser had explained that she could not understand the demands of the municipalities for more money from the federal government for the accommodation of refugees and migrants at this point in time. “I find it strange when it is already being said – at the beginning of April this year – that the money for this year is not enough,” she told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Thursday). The federal government made 4.4 billion euros available in 2022 and took over the social benefits for the refugees from Ukraine. He also promised federal states and municipalities 2.75 billion euros in additional support at an early stage. Faeser referred to a federal-state summit with Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on May 10 to discuss refugee costs.
Union sees “denial of reality”
Harsh criticism came from the opposition. “These statements by the interior minister are simply a denial of reality,” said the domestic policy spokesman for the Union faction, Alexander Throm (CDU), on Thursday of the German Press Agency.
The general manager of the Association of Towns and Municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, said the figures given by Faeser were correct. However, the money does not go directly to the municipalities. The effort for more than 200,000 daycare and school places for refugee children from Ukraine is not sufficiently taken into account. “In addition, it remains completely unclear what funds will be made available in 2024.”
District council wants to reduce influx
The district council sees the federal government as having a duty to ensure that fewer asylum seekers come to Germany. Association President Sager warned that this must be done in coordination with the EU and countries of origin and transit. “There is not enough happening so far, including repatriation,” he said. “Of course, this does not apply to Ukrainian refugees; they undoubtedly have a right of residence.”
Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann called Faeser’s behavior an “ostrich manner”. “It is obvious that the financial support from the federal government for the accommodation and integration of refugees is not enough for this year,” said the CSU politician to the dpa in Munich. The Hessian Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) made a similar statement about Faeser. “She is quite obviously removed from communal reality.”
Baden-Württemberg’s Migration Minister Marion Gentges (CDU) said that Baden-Württemberg took in significantly more people last year than in the years of the refugee crisis in 2015 and 2016 combined. This is only possible with a great effort from everyone involved.
NRW is planning changes
The North Rhine-Westphalian state government is now planning changes to the crediting key for refugee accommodation in favor of the municipalities. “The refugees who are housed in state accommodation are counted one to one – i.e. 100 percent – towards the admission obligation of the municipalities,” said state refugee minister Josefine Paul (Greens) of the “Rheinische Post” in Düsseldorf (Thursday / online). “We hope to be able to offer a certain incentive for municipalities to develop further state reception facilities together with us.”
So far, according to the ministry, 50 percent of the occupancy of state emergency accommodation or central accommodation has been counted towards the admission obligation of the municipalities in which they are located. In the case of initial reception facilities, it is 70 percent. Paul promised that the crediting key in the Refugee Admissions Act should be changed as quickly as possible.