As a professional football player must be good to enjoy themselves once in a while. Even if you play in the premier League.

Sunday was, at least, brought one dish after the other with a draught beer in the AGF the locker room after the hard-fought victory against FC Nordsjælland.

the Atmosphere was in the top of the AGF camp, where it was so sung and heard the music for full curtains.

It was three important points for the AGF, who had lost the previous three superligakampe. And so every night there is beer.

After the battle the attending journalists see how the parts of the FC Nordsjalland-staff walked past several times with well-deserved sejrsøl for the AGF players.

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And it was solid fade with a number of beers at each, that could be counted on two hands.

Conversely, the mood was pressed at hjemmebaneholdet, who was not allowed to enjoy any beer in the dressing room after the narrow defeat.

Although the fight was not the season’s most really well-played from any of the teams, has therefore the right to celebrate a superligasejr in style.

the Purge was not the most chancerige in superligahistorien, but a questionable penalty kick ended up with to determine the whole shebang.

After the match was Abdul Mumin, who committed the offence, do not agree with the decision, while Mustapha Bundu, who provoked it, was convinced that the penalty was justified.

Patrick Mortensen traded probably the penalty to goal.

It was the first time in the season, to FC Nordsjælland lose on their own grass.