The scene is a bit like the Giro d’italia. But today there is no race running at the Colosseum, the symbol of Rome, but the Romans even cycle past: families, couples, athletes. Many days, sun glasses, a few mouth protection masks. In other Parts of the capital, the number of cyclists is also increasing, and not only there. Italy is experiencing a Bicycle Boom, the months ago yet no one has expected. With the end of the Corona-lock downs, so it seems something Serious is changing in the Land of Ferrari, Fiat and Vespa.

“Such a change, I have not experienced yet,” says Alessandro Tursi, President of the Cycling Federation Fiab. The architect and urban planner, is surprised. He reported that he campaigned for years with moderate success for decision-makers in Rome and elsewhere for a green transport policy. Laws, bureaucracy, car driver lobby, everywhere, the barriers against innovation were high. “In April and may, in the fierce Covid-crisis, it was suddenly different, and easy.”

Up to 500 Euro wheel-premium of the government

The Italian government issued special decrees in order to bring the economy to full-braking momentum. These include changes to the transport are included rules of the Bicycle to be friendly, reported Tursi. In addition, the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte promised the people in the centers, particularly in cities with more than 50 000 inhabitants, in the purchase of bicycles and E-scooters for a grant of up to 60 per cent of the price, with a maximum of 500 Euro.

As buses and trains because of the distance, rules are allowed to carry fewer passengers, to require the citizens more and more on two wheels. In the face of constant traffic jams, many cities at peak times were before the crisis anyway at the Limit. In addition, the gift of Money should be a boost for the industry. Italy is at the Radproduktion in Europe. dpa/Paul Zinken/dpa-Central image/dpa-tmn Instead of the Bus or the train: The bike is in the Corona times, the better means of locomotion. Also, social contacts, keep two meters distance.

in addition, Many Italians are stations, queues at rail and crowding in buses these days in Covid-times uncomfortable. So, why not on a bike rises? Especially since Cycling made during the Lock in the empty, cleanly swept and centers more fun than before. Already in 2019 the Radverkäufe were increased. After Re-Opening in may, the stores were stormed and then across the country. While Germany spoke of the “Mini-Boom” was in the Italy of the “Revolution” of the speech.

traders from the Lombard capital of Milan cheered in the newspaper “Repubblica” about the buyer who previously would not have even thought to put on a bike. Industry Association Ancma expected for may, an increase in turnover of 60 percent and on the year expected to rise to 25 percent could be possible.

Italy’s cities are Bicycle-friendly

Milan, in the Winter, often a Smog stronghold, announced, to September, some 25 kilometers of bike paths. By the end of the year, further routes will follow. Also in Rome, mayor Virginia Raggi had construction crews move out, in order to make markings and slopes create. The capital wants to rapidly create a greater surface area than Milan 150 km of cycle lanes. The 41-Year-old from the Five-star movement post regularly on Facebook Videos new ways. Some Romans suspect Raggi from experience, a lot of hot air. Previously, the Ministry of transport had given the cities according to Reports the Signal that you are likely to reallocate space from streets and Parking lots.

Actually, the wheels were in Italy more than sports equipment because, as a means of transport. In addition, the Mediterranean country is the traffic safety under the average in the European Union. Although the victim declined compared to 1980. However, EU statistics show there are 55 Deaths per year per Million population (2018). Germany is not top, the roads are but with 39 fatalities per Million significantly more secure.

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In Italy is waiting for us pedestrians and cyclists are at risk, as in other countries, particularly. Wherein the Bicycle-friendliness and the quality of the trail network from the North decreases to the South and the depth of the potholes is increasing, such as wheel-Lobbyist Tursi easy pole says mixing: “South Tyrol with Scandinavia compare. Then a midfielder to come in, and from Rome, the Cycling feels like in Africa.”

associations are protesting for more safety in road traffic

In the centre of the capital of the ancient cobbled streets are a challenge. In addition, the car launched with no consideration of Parking spaces, cyclists or motorcycles will be cut and buses, you brazenly push.

Less accidents, and less emissions in the air have been mainly to special occasions such as the World Cycling day (3. June), or for fatal accidents on the topic. So associations staged a protest at 23. February, just before the Corona-Block, in front of the Colosseum for more protection in traffic. Alessandro Malagesi, one of the organizers, was skeptical that his countrymen wanted to ever voluntarily share their space on the roads with more bikes. Now in his forties said: “If you don’t start with the changes, will never do anything. The sales boom is a good sign.”

what is the Situation in Germany?

are good But the Italian measures as a model for Germany? Also in Berlin will be discussed for years on the implementation of the traffic turnaround. By means of the corona crisis, the topic of wins, once again, the volatility, explains Stephanie crown, press spokesperson of the “General German Bicycle club”. Because: “The people decide now how you come in next time in the work or their children to school want to bring. You should now be on the wheel brought,” she says. imago images/Petra Schneider of Berlin, Charlottenburg Palace – 3.6 km on the Kantstr.the longest Pop-Up bike lane to protect cyclists

Similarly, Philipp Prein, press Secretary of the Agora, the traffic looks the turn. For him, investments in the Bicycle infrastructure, the structure, particularly during the crisis, an important lever. The so-called “Pop-up-Cycling” as they are springing up in major German cities just, be a good example of how short-term measures could increase the attractiveness of Cycling. Specifically, parts of the existing car converted traces in the temporary cycle lanes. The concept has proven itself to be in permanent bike lanes to be converted. The money is certainly there. Around 1.4 billion euros, the Federal government provides between 2020 and 2023 for the Expansion of the Cycling towns and cities and municipalities in Germany.

And the Bicycle premium? As an economic measure, it is negligible in Germany, due to the small effect, unlike the much-discussed car premium, says Prein. An additional thrust for the pleasure of Cycling, however, could incur quite.

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