The Corona onset at the meat producer toennies from Rheda-Wiedenbrück is revealed increasingly, the abuses in the meat industry. Yesterday, the book “The pig system has been in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. Cancellation of contracts for work, and the subcontractor nehmertums” will be presented. Ex-employees collect therein serious allegations against their former employer Tönnies.

cockroaches in ovens

In the “Jour Fix of the trade Union left Hamburg,” this book is a report of the former contract workers about mental and physical Stress, allegedly brutal foreman to work long hours, unpaid Overtime, lack of work protection, threats, and health hazards. They tell of conditions of undue living and exploitation. Your experiences you describe under the pseudonyms Ben and Vasile. Vasile: “If you had, for example, contact with the trade Union, are you flying out.” His former colleague Ben reported: “My longest layer was 21 hours. Money I have not seen for the Overtime. Even if I worked 15 hours, I was paid only eight.” F. Gerstenberg

Once he had hurt his Hand. The foreman had instructed him, however, to continue to work. After three days the Hand was inflamed hard; as he had to stay sick at home, he was threatened with termination. In the accommodation, roaches were gone in the ovens around, in the ten-bed-room, he said, to the day, hardly sleep. The conclusion the two men come from Romania: “We were treated like slaves.” F. Gerstenberg

Tönnies expressed in FOCUS-Online-request, not to the allegations.

priest: “Toil themselves to death”

pastor Peter Kosen from Lengerich confirmed in an interview with FOCUS Online on the allegations. He has been fighting for eight years for better working conditions in the meat industry, and particularly against works contracts for the workers, who came mainly from Bulgaria and Romania. The clergy showed FOCUS Online reports, which use a different meat producer calculated to the workers about costs for the use of safety shoes or knives. Kosen knows many of the workers personally, since his brother is treated as an Internist in Vechta, daily work migrants, women as well as men, from Romania, Bulgaria and Poland.

“a Lot of workers over the years, the chronically ill,” reports pastor Kosen. “You are too late or not go to the doctor because they are afraid to lose their Job. You are intimidated, and partly in a disastrous physical and mental condition. You toil in the truest sense of the word to death, have no claim to continued payment of wages and paid holidays.” Sick workers were insured, however. “If you must treat, you will be insured,” says Peter Kosen. What he means: “The sub-contractors to build a tremendous pressure. The patient of my brother’s reports of the threats: “Who comes up with the yellow glow, it can go”.

About content of subcontractors

decides The properties of the contract workers in the meat corporations were disastrous, reports of the dedicated pastor who had put up after the Corona outbreak in West meat in Coesfeld at the beginning of may with a big protest sign in front of the factory gates: “rat holes will be rented as apartments: 500 euros for 17 square meters of a moldy hovel, without sufficient electricity with a leaky roof.”

Kosen describes the System of work contracts as an example: “meat group X enters into a contract with the subcontractors, Y on the Austrennung of 100,000 ham. The amount of the salary and working hours, the subcontractor shall be the sole,” explains Peter Kosen. “The salary, however, is mostly a pittance.”

salvation proposal should be made only after the summer, discussed

The meat groups, there should be no matter, the main thing that separates ham quickly out. They are solely for compliance with occupational safety and hygiene in their production facilities responsible for the properties, in turn, the contract workers in accordance with applicable law. In the rule of the sub-contractors, including Germany’s largest battle group Tönnies, with an annual turnover of seven billion euros and a market share of almost 30 per cent in pigs has to do with the apartments nothing.

this is Exactly what North Rhine-criticized-Westphalia’s health and labor Minister Karl-Josef Laumann sharp: “the owners of The farms are no longer responsible for the employees who have contracts.” In the WDR, he called: “The one who owns a slaughterhouse, must take responsibility for its employees.” The System of work contracts had to be abolished, the CDU-politician.

  • Learn all the new findings on the Virus outbreak in Tönnies in the News Ticker at FOCUS Online

Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) has launched a legislative initiative on the way, but should not be at the Trouble of Laumann only after the summer break, advice From 1. January 2021, the battles should be allowed, and the Processing of meat, the only employees of their own company. Contracts for work and services for this industry, it should not be then. The employer shall be obliged to inform the authorities about the living and places of use of foreign labour. The working hours will be digitally recorded. The fines for violations will double the salvation of 30,000 euros. In the case of controls alone in North Rhine-Westphalia, the authorities noted in the past year, in 26 out of 30 meat establishments, serious violations, writes the regional daily newspaper Saarbrücker Zeitung. Work shifts of more than twelve hours were not uncommon.

Hubertus Heil wants to do so: “For a business model that will take exploitation and a spread of pandemics in buying, there can be no tolerance,” said Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, after the incident at West meat in Coesfeld, Germany, in mid-may.

parts of the economy, criticize the project because they fear that contracts are not to be used in other industries to be abolished, what medicinal plans according to their own information. The German Confederation of trade unions, denouncing for years the nested System of sub-contractors, welcomed the plans of the Minister of Labour and before throwing the meat companies in Germany “organised irresponsibility”.

nephew is fighting with Clemens Tönnies on contracts for work

high-profile support from politicians and trade unionists get, of all things, out of the house, in which 730 people have been infected (as of Friday 15 o’clock) and brought for the closure of kindergartens and schools in the district of Gütersloh of the residents will be held responsible: Robert Tönnies (42), nephew of the company-the Patriarch Clemens Tönnies is fighting since years with his uncle, and the Advisory Board on the contracts for work.

Since 2017, the son of the deceased Bernd Tönnies who holds like Clemens Tönnies 50 percent of the shares in the company, the management and the control accuses the Advisory Board, applicable corporate principles to the elimination of contracts of work to implement. In an open letter from 17. June, he is attacking Clemens toennies after the Corona debacle in the front:

“Unfortunately, the result of their blockade attitude, ( … ), and their carefree, irresponsible attitude to the risks from the Corona of a pandemic, we have before us today”, and he writes: “in battle the infection operated numbers are far above average, is due certainly to the System of work contracts; it is forcing many workers in unacceptable living conditions, which are associated with a high risk of contagion and little protection opportunities, once an infection occurs”. Robert Tönnies gives his uncle the principal debt to the Corona of the outbreak, with currently about 730 Infected. He acted irresponsible, and companies, such as population at risk. Robert Tönnies calls on his uncle, therefore, open to the resignation.

all of This is grist to the mill of Inge Bultschnieder (48). The skilled Baker is running for the last eight years, the storm against Tönnies. F. Gerstenberg Inge Bultschnieder For your commitment to the working and living conditions at the company Tönnies and the founding of the community of interests plant fair lazy, she has already received awards for civil courage. In 2012, she met in the hospital, an employee of the company Tönnies. The Mazedonierin was emaciated to the bone. Since Bultschnieder speak a little Macedonian, she came up with the woman into the conversation. “You told me that you have anxiety and need help.” Inge Bultschnieder looked at your accommodation and also the men’s apartments, and was shocked: “I cried snot and water.” The workers slept on mattresses, the torn Wallpaper on the walls. Eight to ten people in a confined space. “Inhumane,” says Bultschnieder. And in Corona-the times of fire danger.

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