DW: Mrs. Bause, when were you last in Belarus?

Margarete Bause: I was had at the beginning of February this year in Minsk, and I have the impression that there is a very great expectation and hope towards Europe and also to Germany. Not only in terms of economic development, but also democratic reforms, observance of human rights and the rule of law is concerned.

whence comes this hope?

I think, the source of hope lies in the fact that you can see what freedoms the people in the West enjoy. There is a very strong and courageous civil society that does not want to be intimidated. There is also international support. And there is hope that is even stronger. That the EU is founded on human rights, on the common values of democracy and the rule of law, that the EU is in, what are human rights violations, the death penalty and the role of President Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus is concerned. And I think we have an obligation to live up to these hopes.

“We have to consistently stand up for human rights in Belarus”

Against this Background, the beginning of the year negotiated Visa facilitation with the EU for citizens of Belarus is a correct decision?

I see that as a false Signal. Because the Deal was that also deportations to Belarus to take place. And if people try to bring here in the West from persecution to safety, then I can’t see that this is a positive development. I think Germany and the EU need to occur much more consistently in terms of compliance with human rights standards in Belarus.

What can and what must do Germany and the EU?

The most important of all is the demand for free and fair elections is at the Moment. And also the release of political prisoners and an independent election observation by the OSCE. And if all of these claims have not been reflected, I think, the cancellation of the Visa agreement is in consideration and may back sanctions against Belarus to introduce.

Why hesitate the Federal government so, in terms of public criticism of the situation in Belarus?

It is also my impression that there is reluctance by the foreign office, in terms of addressing the human rights violations and the imposition of democratic Standards in Belarus. The, certainly, strategic reasons, that you do not try to put Belarus as a Player between Russia and the EU excessively under pressure. But in view of the hopes in the white-Russian population in the direction of the EU, we must stand much more strongly, that our European Standards are adhered to.

In a good month, to be held the presidential election. At the time of registration of independent candidates, the election Commission has not recognized apparently, many signatures of support. How would you rate the Situation?

these are all mechanisms of Lukashenka to the choice of not following fair rules to keep his power advantage to play, to put candidates under pressure. It’s also been imprisoned candidates. And all this confusion are the games to get the signatures for me, another Chapter in the attempt to prevent free and fair elections.

Political observers in Germany believe that a fair election is impossible and that the winner is already determined now. Do you share this assessment?

I would not give up from the outset any hope. I think that right now, in the weeks before the election, it is important that Europe is making a very clear announcement, and the consequences threatened, if free and fair elections can not take place. And that the release of the political prisoners must immediately be given immediately, and if not everything, then, must actually be sanctions. Now is the time, with very clear demands to compete.

“democracy movement, not only in Hong Kong, also in white Russia support”

And how realistic is it that Europe competes with clear demands?

Yes, Germany has 1. July, the presidency is taken over, and I see it as a task of Germany, in this framework, for the enforcement of our common European values. It is said that Belarus is the last dictatorship in Europe. Us can be no matter what happens in our immediate neighbourhood. We should support the democracy movement, not only in Hong Kong, but also in white Russia.

The Federal government has other things to Worry about, like the Corona of a pandemic and the economic crisis. How high are the chances that such a topic as human rights in Belarus, puts on the agenda?

The issue of human rights is the basis of our civilizational life together, no matter what country. And it may not happen in the context of the pandemic, that it is said, we must first see to it that the economy get back on its feet and that we fight against the pandemic. Because we experience that it is precisely in connection with the pandemic, human rights are trampled. And just in Belarus, we have a devastating impact of the pandemic, and that is why it is so important that Germany is working here in the framework of its presidency of the Council for the observance of democratic Standards.

The potentially most promising opposition candidate in the presidential election, Viktor Babariko, is a former top Manager of the Belarusian subsidiary of the Russian Gazprombank. How do you see the role of Russia in this election?

We have also seen in Germany, that the Russian side Attempts to influence the election, in particular the AfD. I can well imagine that there are also in other countries such Attempts. But it is important that all candidates to occur in free and fair elections, that they can present their programs. And then it’s up to the population to decide for yourself which Person you trust.

Keep a non-violent Revolution, a peaceful change of regime in Belarus possible?

I believe that there are in the population, very much the hope and desire for democratic States. I hope that there is an evolutionary Transition. That there is the possibility of democratic reforms with the support of the EU to enforce. That there is a possibility that representatives of the democratic spectrum may occur, and that there is an evolutionary Transition to a democratic System.

“Lukashenko realizes that he has in the population does not support more”

But she would welcome that, after this election, a new face came to the state?

I would welcome that in the state in Belarus, a personality is, the integer, which promotes human rights, democratic reforms, initiates and gives the population in Belarus is a good perspective for the future, for freedom and economic reforms. And the should be able to take place in this election.

Why is President Lukashenko so nervous?

He realizes that he has no backing in the population. And so authoritarian he is. So aggressive he tried to prevent any form of democratic competition. We know it from other authoritarian rulers: The weaker their positions are, the more aggressive they occur. It shows that the Era of Lukashenko, is actually over for a long time, that he has in the population does not support more. And even more important, it would be that the democracy movement is supported by the European side, so that people in Belarus can decide their own destiny.

Margarete Bause is a spokesperson for the human rights of the group of Alliance 90/greens in the Bundestag and member of the German-Belarusian parliamentary group of questions.

The Interview Vladimir Esipov led.

author: Vladimir Esipov

*The contribution of “Green party politician Bause: “democracy in Belarus,” support” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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