ginger is indispensable in the kitchen. The Good thing about the tuber: you can without problems at home in a pot plant. Here you will find tips.

Whether as a condiment to the meal, as lemonade, or tea brewed. Ginger is an extremely versatile ingredient and you can plant quite easily at home in a pot. What you need to, you can find here.

ginger is now an integral part of the dining plan and bring a little sharpness into the kitchen. In addition to its unique taste, also its healthy ingredients make it a Hit in the pantry. The tuber is rich in Vitamin C, Magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. On top of that, it has an anti bacterial and is doing well that’s why the intestinal flora. And yet a plus point ginger: He can easily draw the home.

when is the best time to plant ginger?

+ ginger pieces, the cast can be cut off and planting.©fkn

ginger is best in the spring in a pot plant . There is also a growing Outdoors from mid-to end of may* but it is possible. The object of desire is called in the Rest of the non-tuber, but the rhizome(root stock). It is the underground part of the Plant. Ginger is also a small bamboo-like leaves and inflorescences of sepals and petals . Ginger is also well-suited as an Ornamental plant.

What is the location and what the earth is suitable for ginger?

ginger originally from the tropical climes, and might therefore warm, Sunny to semi-shady locations and a temperature of 20 degrees. If you pull the ginger in a pot on the windowsill* you should avoid direct sunlight. As the substrate> potting soil is <strong , in any case, it should be nutrient – and humus-rich. When planting in the garden, you can enrich the soil with some compost.

How to I plant ginger in a pot on the window sill?

step 1: The right ginger-rhizome

The suitable ginger rhizome for growing can you get in the supermarket or organic Shop. It is advantageous, if the rhizome is already sprouts eyes to or slightly. It also plays no role, whether it is a fresh piece of ginger or one that is already dried. Likewise, it is up to you whether or not you like the rhizome, as a Whole, or in pieces cut to planting. In the latter variant, you lay the pieces over night in lukewarm water before putting them in the earth. At the Crop three to five centimeters large pieces should come out.

step 2: ginger in the pot planting

Choose a pot that has about 30 inches deep and fill it with potting soil. If you have cut your ginger before in pieces, about two to three of them in the pot space. You set eye to the top locker in the earth , so that a piece hangs. Then wet the substrate slightly and cover the pot with foil, so that the humidity remains high. In order to prevent moisture build-up, fill to the bottom of the planting pot, add a layer clay . Then place the pot in a bright place, where the Plant is protected from the blazing sun. It is also a window sill is right above a heater. The temperature should be between 20 and 28 degrees.

step 3: ginger-maintain Plant

After Setting, pour the ginger-Plant with lime-free water . The root should bales be kept evenly moist. Until the rhizome begins to sprout, it may take a few weeks. After green leaves and, possibly, even ginger flowers are formed. In warm temperatures about twelve degrees, you can set the pot outside.

+ ginger forms bamboo-like leaves.©dpa/Matthias Merz

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how to harvest ginger right

After a few months, after the bottom yellow . Then you know that it is time to harvest the ginger. From this point the Plant will not be watered also. Either you use the whole rhizome or cut only a part of it for further processing. If this piece has eyes, it can also re-planting.

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