The pictures of Hitler and swastikas in chat groups with numerous employees of the Baden-Württemberg police have been making the rounds for a long time. As the German Press Agency learned from security circles on Friday, the first pictures in the groups circulated at least four years ago. According to the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) in Baden-Württemberg, disciplinary steps are to be taken against around 70 officers who have so far been identified as participants in the chat groups. Layoffs are also possible, said a spokesman for the LKA.
A police officer is said to have spread pictures of Adolf Hitler and swastikas in various chat groups with colleagues. The authorities are investigating the man, among other things, on suspicion of incitement to hatred. The 28-year-old was suspended from service, as the State Criminal Police Office and the public prosecutor announced. Five other police officers are also under criminal investigation.
According to the authorities, they confiscated the suspects’ mobile phones and checked about 6,000 chat groups – in 13 of these groups they found criminally relevant content.