A few days before the planned shutdown of the last three nuclear power plants, CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt called on the federal government to correct this decision. “We should leave the door open for the continued use of nuclear energy,” said the CSU politician to the German Press Agency in Berlin. There is still the possibility of ordering new fuel rods for the three reactors Neckarwestheim 2, Isar 2 and Emsland, so that they can be connected to the grid again next winter when there is a high energy demand.

“That’s why I’m calling on the federal government to make the necessary decision on fuel procurement so that we don’t experience any blackouts next winter,” said Dobrindt. In the winter that has just ended, only the relatively mild weather and strong winds would have prevented possible blackouts. “This winter gives a completely deceptive feeling of supposed security. There is no guarantee for the next winter.”

Shutting down the nuclear power plants on April 15 was and will remain a mistake that could take bitter revenge. “By the way, this decision remains wrong, not only from an energy policy perspective, but also from a climate policy perspective.”

Dobrindt warned of the long-term consequences that a nuclear phase-out would have. Germany will lose its nuclear energy experts, new ones will not follow. “Thus Germany in the world says goodbye not only to the use of nuclear energy, but also completely to research and development.” This will mean that Germany will no longer play any role at all in next-generation nuclear power plants or in nuclear fusion.

“Decisions are shaped by ideology”

“For a high-tech country like Germany, it is completely negligent to say goodbye to future technologies for ideological reasons. In doing so, we lose all influence on these technologies and also on the associated security aspects,” criticized the CSU politician.

In this context, he sharply attacked the Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), who is also responsible for climate protection: “Robert Habeck can no longer be taken seriously when it comes to climate protection. He burns coal in ancient coal-fired power plants and switches off climate-neutral nuclear energy. At the same time, he wants the citizens turn off the heat.” That is the wrong direction in terms of climate policy, energy policy and social policy.

“These decisions are shaped by ideology and fit with the arrogance traffic light that makes decisions against the citizens, against the climate and against energy policy reason,” said the head of the 45 CSU deputies in the Bundestag. “Habeck dreams of an ideologically green governess state. But the citizens rightly reject this prohibition policy.”