special associations, whether in the police or armed forces, often lead a life of their own. Because of the camaraderie of the blind trust each other, and a legitimate Pride on paid assignments and on-operatively coped with difficult tasks grows.

A renowned Esprit de corps is usually a key element of such unit. Many people in such organizations feel rightly considered to be Elite: elitism manifests itself on the Basis of passing the tough selection procedures of the acquired know-how and craft skills.

The German “special forces command” of the Bundeswehr (KSK) has developed a specific self-understanding, a elite understanding. Basically not reprehensible, only now it turns out, some of the soldiers misused and misinterpreted. About the experts

Rolf Tophoven, Director of the Institute for crisis prevention (IFUS) in Essen, formerly the Institute for terrorism research and security policy. Focus of his scientific and journalistic activities of national and international terrorism, specifically of the militant Islamist Terror, its expression and control. In addition, the middle East and its conflict regions.

There was a right-wing extremist incidents in the Thinking and Acting Individual, explosives, and ammunition from the stocks of the troop disappeared. Such processes unsettle the entire leadership of the armed forces. Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU), now promises ‘radical enlightenment’ and even threatened with the dissolution of the SFC. Reuters/Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters Pool/Reuters defense Minister Kramp-Karrenbauer sets the SFC to the test.

see also: Clear sign: right-wing extremism in the Bundeswehr? Not with Kramp-Karrenbauer!

“envy idea” on the 1972, founded GSG 9

How could it come to this? At the Foundation of the KSK, the desire of the military mind, Germany also need an elite unit of the Bundeswehr. A fortiori, you do not want to rely on Nato partners, as in the case of the evacuation of German citizens in 1994 from the war-torn country of Rwanda by Belgian paratroopers.

In the creation of the KSK swung for many in the armed forces, the “envy idea” on the 1972, founded GSG 9 of the former Federal border guard, today, the Federal police, and their spectacular success through the hostage rescue in Mogadishu, with. “We would have had to make Mogadishu what the GSG 9, had to actually make the Bundeswehr, but we don’t have such a command,” was at the time, in many places, the Tenor is frustrated in the troop.

Spectacular Anti-terrorist operations, successful operations in the Hindu Kush

The KSK was established in 1996, put into service, the men subjected to the most selection scenarios and in the use of sent. Spectacular Anti-terrorist operations in the Balkans against Serbian war criminals, arrests, and according to the 2001 successful operations in the Hindu Kush, in conjunction with the specialist associations in the USA on the hunt for Taliban leaders and Osama bin Laden filled the Chronicles of the KSK. Services of the command of the soldiers under the highest physical and mental stress – and the Public always kept secret. Secrecy was the overriding principle.

This secrecy was maintained from the beginning, of policy and particularly of the Bundeswehr leadership. You looked away for too long, what eventually led to those developments, were now in the barracks cocoon of Calw visible.

“service supervision, there were at best rudimentary,” says a commando. And puts the Hand in the wound, which is also the Parliamentary state Secretary in the Ministry of defence, Peter Tauber, announced in a letter to the members of the defense Committee, when he writes of an “alarming development had not been or underestimated” is detected. picture-alliance/dpa/ M. Skolimoska elite soldiers of the special forces command (KSK) are rarely established in so open like in this photo, 2018

Also, the Military counterintelligence service (MAD), actually, for the Detection of extreme tendencies in the troop, looked away for too long. Only now, after a re-orientation of the defence service, the service provides insights.

Critical point, in the cause of research, not

to be overlooked now, If after right-wing extremist tendencies in the SFC sought and misconduct are revealed, should not be overlooked in the cause of research, a crucial point is that Each elite unit, national or international, need recognition of their achievements by the state and society. This is missing or is only granted bit by bit, gnawing lack of acceptance, self-understanding, and the morale of the soldiers.

transparency was not opportune. Even death and severe wounds of KSK-soldiers were largely treated “secret” or very cautious. This disregard often leads to frustration and anti-democratic thoughts and some not acceptable Gestures and reactions.

German armed forces management and politics have been hiding too long behind the so-called secret operations. In order not to be misunderstood: It’s not about the disclose tactical moves or the operational planning prior to an access. There is nowhere in the world in elite organizations like the KSK. It comes to the political and social recognition of the achievements of these soldiers. A spectacular action, the GSG-9 in Mogadishu led policy makers and the Public of the unit respect and recognition paid. This View of the special unit of the Federal police carries today.

It lacked public recognition

“to Us, Mogadishu is missing,” complained a command soldier of the KSK. It is a spectacular action, followed by a similarly spectacular journalistic and political commentary is missing for the self-understanding of the Association, in order to win public approval and recognition and to produce. In the case of the now successful reappraisal of negative developments in the KSK should not play for the politically and militarily responsible for the Chapter “social and political attention to” the commands to a key role. Of course, there were a number of spectacular actions of the SFC in the remote Afghanistan – only: thanks to and recognition of public – none. So it felt to many soldiers. imago images/Björn Trotzki is The special forces command (KSK) of the Bundeswehr in the preparation for a demonstration on the day of the German army in Au

The radical completion of the “screening” of the SFC and his attitude is good and necessary. This, however, requires tact and psychological skill. Because the force is under probation. Under probation, the military leadership stands at the top of the Minister, those high-wire act without a crash, and in the the Few “Bad” will be filtered out of the mass of “Good” when SFC out. In the process, Yes the quality of the KSK will remain in the archive. The “radiological crawl” the rest of the force following the resolution of the 2. Command company, but it also involves dangers.

The troupe is under probation

Because the “self-cleaning” of the force, as the Ministry requires now, is a process. This can, however, be commanded simply. Before this process will be completed, could be the end of the international in terms of performance, the maximum recognized specialty Association. Because it is given today, the risk is that the majority of the squad of soldiers is in their morale cracked; the force is under probation. You have to justify – the majority of the Association, which must be faithful to the Constitution and the state did not prove, that you think so as those are a false elite understanding of to the right and drifted.

In the survey of the remaining commando soldiers could be a dangerous “man for himself”mentality to spread and honest statements to stay on track. Because the experience teaches A for years, growing corps spirit in a squad you don’t break overnight, and it’s not enough if specific deadlines are set for “self-cleaning” – in the case of the SFC to 31. October.

insiders are skeptical: If the break within a few weeks?

In a few weeks, so the success of the transition, the restructuring of the SFC. Insiders, however, are skeptical. Some have already predicted the dissolution of the KSK in the current Form. It should, however, this would also be a significant turning point in the Anti-Terror combat by the German army, because for this task, the SFC has been set up, among other things, also. If necessary, can be used still on the GSG 9 of the Federal police – and which can be known to be, under certain conditions, also abroad, surgically. Herber is a drop in temperature due to the polar cold air, but the summer PCP Bitter drop in temperature comes back because of the polar cold air, but the summer is coming back to flame Ivanka Trump’s appeal to all Americans – your father ignored him, FOCUS Online/Wochit Ivanka Trump is a flaming appeal to all Americans – your father ignored him