The first coalition Government in this democratic era of Spain will be known in its final composition, probably this Tuesday, but was born from the voting today with a programme of challenges already quite detailed. In the Council of Ministers are to be seated individuals proposed by the PSOE and United we Can, the two priority partners. In addition, the socialists have signed in a very few hours agreements endowment with up to eight parties represented in the Congress. In total there are 91 pages with up 313 commitments very precise and heterogeneous, which could in some cases be contradictory. Calls the attention that the pact is more complex, thorny and difficult that was negotiated with so many meetings and secrecy with the independence of CKD is the shorter and less explicit. Just two sheets of paper with two points are very striking: the recognition of a political conflict in relation to Catalonia and the need to create a table of dialogue to try to resolve it.


Oramas will vote no despite the warning of Coalition Canaria The intervention of EH Bildu in the Congress causes a lot of anger on the right, a deputy of Teruel Exists: “there is no possibility of changing my vote on Tuesday,” Pablo Iglesias, Irene Montero, Alberto Garzón, Yolanda Díaz and Manuel Castells will be the ministers of United we Can

The political environment of the country takes so much time to the rarefied barely paid attention Saturday to the speech with his program of government of the candidate to the Presidency, the socialist Pedro Sanchez. Had it written on 47 pages, it took 105 minutes to complete it and spent the most part to present some ideas and future projects. Just drenched them.

Sanchez started with an introduction to expose the political context of the country. It occupied nine pages and the rest, 37, employed in transmitting proposals for improving, among other things, social justice, distribution of wealth and the prosperity, equity, gender-based violence, freedom, territorial cohesion, Spain emptied, the education, culture, research and science, pollution, climate change and ecological digitalisation, the jobs, the pensions, the technological revolution, competitiveness, social dialogue, housing, the memory and the historical reparation, justice, fiscal and budgetary balance. And, all this, fulfilling the requirements of membership of Spain to a club as strict as the European Union.

All of these goals together, with an experience of co-government never lived and acrimonious and fragmented political landscape that has been registered in the Parliament, with more matches than ever before, it seems easy to meet. The PSOE, after many months of refusing to almost sit with other parties, forged the final in a few hours agreements endowment with eight formations are very diverse. The fastest, clear, and evident was with United we Can: 50 pages and 193 challenges described, which bind to the draft budget frustrated, already closed by both a year ago and then threw away the rejection of CKD.

With the ERC, the pact was little the folio, certified the existence of the conflict Catalan and allowed the formation of a working committee between the two governments 15 days after the establishment of the central Executive. None of that was in the speech of Sanchez despite the attempts repeated of almost all the spokesmen of the opposition of the three rights for clarification on how it will be done.

Some of the nationalist parties and the regionalists are used to negotiate agreements and pacts with the central Government in Madrid, whatever political colour they may be. The PNV is usually a master in that chapter: on this occasion, two sheets, 12 measures almost classic on claim of more powers and transfers, but, above all, what we demand is a dialogue with prior and privileged. The basque nationalists bandy about as active in his moderation and pragmatism.

More Country and Compromís much focus on the need to promote another system of financing autonomous and require to be posed in the following eight months from the start of the Executive. The BNG extends their demands in nine sheets with seven demands on re-industrialisation, but also to reduce the road toll over the face of Spain (AP-9). Teruel Exists, detailed in 11 pages 21 urgent needs of the Spain emptied with up to eight sections an accurate road networks, rail corridors, improvements in broadband and other rural areas. The covenant more extensive is the subscribed with the mp New the Canary islands, 13 sheets with up to 50 commitments.

A “coalition colourful” against Sanchez

J. C., Madrid

In his speech last Saturday, Sanchez elaborated on the political blockade in which we live, he noted that he feels guilty and, above all, it found that, after the elections of the 10-N, the solutions to the traffic jam go by to understand what the Spanish have voted up to five times during 2019, which, according to the socialist leader, it would be: negotiate, dialogue, compromise, and negotiate.

The president has advanced that today, at the conclusion of the second day of voting, if she manages to get out vested when you receive more affirmative votes than negative, the parties retratarán according to your vote. And tried to highlight that in front of him also stands a coalition of disparate forces: “On one hand, it perfilará the Spain advances, which transcends their differences and unites to move forward by forming a coalition of progress, dialogue and social justice; in the middle, those who do not want to join such a forward but, at least, do not hinder with your forbearance; and on the other hand, a coalition of curious, colourful, forth from the right wing, the right, to that I say anti-establishment and nationalisms most die-hard of the one and the other sign”.