The circle Committee has released an additional 500,000 euros in Corona-money. The expenditure incurred by the homes in Schliersee that want to get the County back.

County – Just under 2.8 million euros has been issued by the County so far for the Corona the case of a crisis. And it means are again necessary. On Friday, the district Committee has released in a specially scheduled meeting, unanimously a further 500,000 Euro from the district budget. We expect, however, emphasised district administrator Olaf von Löwis (CSU), that “a significant share” from the free state will be refunded. Exact Figures are not available yet.

Christian Pölt, head of Department of Public safety at the district office, in the meeting – “at 82. The day of the K-If“ – a short Overview of the situation. So have eased the Situation in the Central warehouse of the district in the meantime. About 640,000 of articles such as protective masks, disposable gloves or disinfectant for around 200 in the health and care institutions, and individuals in the district store – of-date.

Weekly consumption to 20,000 dropped items

The weekly consumption is now down to around 20,000 items. This, of course, was not always so. “In the beginning we had problems, to get protection equipment,” said Pölt. “At the same time, there was a huge demand.” Nevertheless, the district office had not paid any overpriced prices. The expenditure – for example, for protective masks or surface disinfectant – were found to be above what would have been outside of times of crisis is due, but also significantly lower the sometimes horrendous “Corona-prices”, as Pölt called it.

the aim is now to organize with the experience of the past few weeks, the Central warehouse so that taking into account the minimum durability date is always the stock for three months is secured. This is also in contact with the hospital and the Red cross.

143.000 Euro alone for the elderly residence Schliersee

requires The on Friday released Budget is in particular due to increased expenditure on the Corona-Hotspots. The district office must apply for the use of the residence for the elderly Schliersee 143.000 Euro. “Here was last required per day protection material for 5000 to 8000 Euro,” said Pölt. Further substantial costs were incurred through payment of nursing staff, the accommodation of the German armed forces and associated catering. For the strong of Corona affected facility for people with disabilities in Schliersee, the balance sheet shows a total cost of € 22,000.

In both cases, the County wants to get the money from the operator. The confirmed head of Department Teresa overview on request of the CSU parliamentary group, spokesman Christian Köck. “We expect the properly, and strive to recover costs,” she said. So far, the County has gone in terms of Corona in full in advance. An advance payment from the state has not yet been received. Already in April, the district Committee had approved a 2.5 million Euro. The reimbursement should be done “in a timely manner,” said Löwis of the Meeting of the Bavarian district administrators a few days ago in Erding. A corresponding statement where I met the Minister of the interior Joachim Herrmann (CSU) “in front of 200 witnesses.”

520 infringements of Corona requirements

First revenue, there was at least elsewhere. So 520 infringements of Corona have been displayed since the beginning of the pandemic-pads, of which so far 270 edited. The Concerned paid according to the head of Department Pölt the bottom line is that 10 000 Euro in fines.

The latest developments regarding the Corona-crisis in the district of read in our Ticker.