Brandenburg’s designated education minister Steffen Freiberg (SPD) was not surprised after the disclosure of right-wing extremist incidents at a secondary school in Burg (Spreewald). “We know that these challenges exist,” said Freiberg in an interview with the “Märkische Oderzeitung” (Saturday). “The problem is no surprise.” In any case, “regardless of this individual case” there was an invitation from the head of the state school authority for a consultation in this area.

In an anonymous letter, teachers at a school in Burg im Spreewald complained that they were confronted with right-wing extremism, sexism and homophobia on a daily basis. Among other things, it is about swastikas on furniture, right-wing extremist music in the classroom and anti-democratic slogans in the school corridors. They also experienced a “wall of silence,” the letter said. There is a lack of support from school management, school authorities and politicians.

Freiberg told “MOZ” that he regretted that communication had been chosen in this way. “I encourage everyone to come forward if they’re having trouble,” he said. With a five-point plan, he wants to strengthen political education and democratic understanding. State Secretary Freiberg is to be sworn in as the successor to the resigned Education Minister Britta Ernst (SPD) on May 10 in the state parliament.