Stiftung Warentest comes to frightening results in animal feed. Pet owners should not give these varieties to eat your favorites. They are detrimental to the health of the cat and dog

In many types of feed for animals were harmful ingredients found Foundation goods test* testing food for dogs and KatzenBei the Tests of the Stiftung Warentest types of feed to fall through

Kassel dog and cat to be healthy. For your pet owners often want only the Best. Especially when it comes to lining , shy away from consumers, therefore, no cost. However, in many supposedly good products to ingredients that can be harmful for the dog and cat are.

Stiftung Warentest hatFutter for dogs and cats tested. Many of the products were rated as”poor”. Therefore, pet should be owners careful in the selection of the feed.

food for dog and cat at Stiftung Warentest: Caution in the selection

opinions about The right lining for dog and cat diverge greatly. Some dog owners feed your dog exclusively raw feed – with the so-called Barf-products (biological, species-appropriate raw feed) – other set on a Dry or wet food. the Stiftung Warentest has taken both varieties under the magnifying glass.

food for dog and cat at Stiftung Warentest : Stiftung Warentest allegations

But also the Rohfütterung can make animals sick. In several of the Barf menu for dogs Stiftung Warentest showed a high bacterial loads.

By dog or cat balanced diet and healthy, there are some basic rules. Because often feed in animal cheap fillers , which can be harmful for the pet.

The filler that is most often found in food for dog and cat, is cereals . In some animal feed varieties, a grain-share of up to 90 percent*, reported ruhr24.

food for dog and cat at Stiftung Warentest : these are the consequences

This could have obesity, Diabetes, inflammation of the digestive tract and behavior problems. “The percentage of dogs get problems with Gluten, is relatively high,” says Joachim von Menges,managing Director of Dr. Alder’s, in a contribution of Stiftung Warentest .

According to the Stiftung Warentest grain, however, is also an important carbohydrate source. In the case of cats a high proportion of grain can be feed problematic, because the feeling of satiety is disturbed,ruhr24. The result is Obesity.

being Overweight can make cats sick, also the Recommended amount of feed is of importance. “If too much food is recommended, fat cats, what can cause age Diabetes, cardiovascular problems and joint complaints,” writes Stiftung Warentest.

food for dog and cat at Stiftung Warentest : Large game room with the use of slaughterhouse waste

another filler, which can be harmful for dog and cat , the offal are . In the case of the use of slaughter residues manufacturers have a large game room, writes Stiftung Warentest . Offal bristles category 3 may be used by manufacturers, and include, for example, pig.

+ feed for dog and cat, Test: pet food can contain dangerous ingredients. This can make the dog and cat, even sick. Stiftung Warentest has tested dog and cat food.©Bernd Thissen/dpa

processing hospitals, animals, the gastro-intestinal content and kitchen waste, however, is prohibited. Because you can be for dog and cat harmful. On the use of animal meal, waste serious battle, however, to the animal feed takes.

food for dog and cat in : This is bad for kitty and Bello

Additional ingredients that may be bad for dog and cat , are flavour enhancers, and attractants. Glutamate is also added to animal feed as a flavor enhancer, and leads to gluttony in rats, found a study by the University of Kiel.

to look for When selecting the right feed for dog and cat , it is important to the ingredients. Can help the Test-results of Stiftung Warentest .

food for dog and cat at Stiftung Warentest : Large differences in price

By dog food there are big differences in price. Part of Premium food is more expensive than some of the meat and sausages*. However, this does not necessarily have the greatest influence on the quality: among the test winners, there are also cheap products.

+ Stiftung Warentest has tested food for dogs and cats. Many of the products are failed.©picture alliance / dpa

in The cat food-Test of Stiftung Warentest do not agreed with at almost every third feed of the nutrient Mix. In some types of feed had a lot of phosphorus, sodium, or calcium. Also, some of the cheap cat food varieties, sections in the Test of Stiftung Warentest* well.

cost for pet owners when selecting no role, The total turnover of the German pet industry was in 2019, 5.2 billion euros, according to the industry Association for pet supplies (IVH)*. For food sales in 2019, bei3,3 billion euros was.

By Sarah Neumeyer

Surprising result in the case of Stiftung Warentest, only every third E-Bike* can convince in the Test. This year 12 E-Bikes have been put under the microscope.

* and are part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.