Tuesday, June 2, about 20 000 people gathered at the foot of the palace of justice in the 17th arrondissement of Paris to the appeal of the committee of support to the family of Adama Traoré. The massive mobilization on the occasion of this event – which is prohibited by the prefecture of Paris for pattern health – appeals to political leaders from all edges. If the figures at the initiative of this movement are known for their political stances, radical, the wide participation in the event confirms the negative trend of relations between the police and a party of the youth of the popular neighborhoods. Known for his intransigence on matters of peerage, the Spring republican denounce the political intentions of the leaders, while recognizing the unbearable mistrust which is insidiously installed on this topic. Its president, Amine El-Khatmi, offers to Christophe Castaner a ” Beauvau security “, the only solution would be to prevent the fracture from progressing.

The Point : Twenty thousand people gathered yesterday against the police violence. What is the meaning of this event ?

Amine El-Khatmi : I believe that it is important to draw a distinction between organizers who have a political message and some of the demonstrators who have been on the spot in good faith. The political message carried by the organizers, it is that there would be a “racist State” in France, in the same way that there would be a structural racism in the United States. I refuse to carry credit to such a message. The situation in France has nothing to do with than that experienced in the United States, where the police actions, there are 13 times more deaths than in France. Over the past five years, more than 2,000 police officers in the u.s. have been involved in homicides, with only 41 judicial procedures… luckily, We’re very far from these figures. On the other hand, there was yesterday in the crowd of young people who came to demonstrate in good faith because they believe that there is a problem with the police, I hear it and I works perfectly.

You are unsure of the intentions of Assa Traoré ?

a sister is saddened by the disappearance of one of his own, I totally understand and I respect it perfectly. After all, I am also referring to speech that cause me a problem, especially when she calls to insurrection or to walk on the Elysée palace, when she speaks of the systemic racism and accuses police of being structurally racist, or even when she abandons herself to the complotisme explaining that his brothers are incarcerated because of his political activity… none of this seems to me to go in the direction of activism, appeased. In the same way that there were believers sincerely worried during the demonstration against islamophobia agitated by Taha Bouhafs, there are around Assa Traoré young people who have been hit by controls on the facies and I understand them.

Why would it not be possible to compare the situation of African-Americans and young people of immigrant origin in the districts ?

Because there is a real structural racism in the United States that does not exist in France ! The racism that governs the social relationships of americans is steeped in history and the clashes between police and population are commonplace. Once again, I would like to bring a bit of nuance and moderation in the debate… The fact that there is no structural racism in France does not mean that there is no discrimination in France, I am well placed to know ! When you live in a neighborhood policy of the city, you leave with more obstacles to overcome, the poverty rate is 37% on average, compared with 14 % in the rest of the country… This means that in these troubled neighbourhoods, one in three families lives on less than 1,000 euros per month. Same observation on insecurity. The feeling of insecurity is of 10 % at the national level, against 26% in district policy of the city. There are indeed more obstacles than elsewhere, but I refuse to believe that this would be the product of a government policy, systemic, which would be to exclude Blacks and Arabs of jobs or housing…

The police were applauded in 2015 after the attacks against Charlie Hebdo, it has since been conspuée by the yellow Vests and a youth of the suburbs who feels strongly discriminated against… We can’t deny that there is an unease between the police and the population ?

Here, too, it is necessary to say the things clear and lucid, without any mixing. First, I refuse to accept that an entire profession is discredited on the grounds that some do not respect the elementary rules of the profession of police officer. Then, I think we cannot discuss this topic without awareness of what one needs to the many police officers who have fallen in the exercise of their function, simply because they embodied the republican order. The trust was already broken between the inhabitants of the popular districts and the police, the circle has expanded with the yellow Vests… The real issue is one of confidence, which is clearly in decline. It is not normal that a party of our citizens are afraid of police and that many police officers are afraid to perform their work. Confidence must be restored on both sides. I know what an ordeal going through the police officers who routinely engage in extra hours, going over the field with defective equipment, or who work in police stations in disrepair. The suicide rate among police officers is indicative of the malaise that runs through the profession. The problem is that the situation is much less manichean than what would make us believe those who thrive on the excesses and caricatures. No, we do not have 260 000 police officers who get up every morning, dreaming of swinging LBD at demonstrators…

What do you recommend ?

The debate can not be summed up in a clash between Camélia Jordana, which tells no matter what, and a trade unionist policeman who deny any block, supported by a minister of the Interior, who takes a position systematically to his troops. If this debate continues, it will not. I propose a ” Beauvau security.” Meet police officers, gendarmes, police, elected officials, associations to make proposals to re-establish relationships of trust. The police have to go to work without fear of being injured or dying, and the citizens should be able to go to an event without fear of finally drowned in the gas lacrymos or losing an eye.

What do you think of a proposal such as that of Eric Ciotti proposes to prohibit filming of police officers ?

I think that we will not respond to a situation flammable with barrels of powder. This solution is a gadget and a posture. No other profession is not at this point challenged, and filmed it in his every move, it is true. But there is a law back and forth like that, without any consultation, will solve nothing.

Christophe Castaner is it the height issue ?

I regret that it does not hear any more say in these circumstances… We will address this problem through dialogue. Its role is to provide long-term solutions, we are available to discuss it with him.

Read also Amine El-Khatmi, the bad conscience of the left