The three parties of the red-green-red government coalition in Berlin met on Tuesday for the first time after the repeat election for exploratory talks. The SPD exploratory team led by the governing mayor and SPD state chair Franziska Giffey and co-state head Raed Saleh received the representatives of the Greens and Left Party at the Berlin SPD headquarters in the Berlin district of Wedding.

“We have to get better, implement the referendum and build social housing,” said Left Party state chairwoman Katina Schubert about the lessons learned from the election, in which all three governing parties lost support. “I’m optimistic we’ll get over each other.” The SPD and the Greens did not comment on the start of the soundings.

First, the election winner had invited the CDU to exploratory talks with the SPD and the Greens, which began on Friday. On Monday there was a second meeting between the CDU and SPD exploratory teams. Those involved want to find out in the talks whether they see a sufficient basis for starting coalition negotiations. The second exploratory meeting between the CDU and the Greens is scheduled for Wednesday. The CDU and SPD will meet for the third time on Friday.