After the Explosion disaster of Beirut, many countries rescue teams sent to Beirut, also in Germany. The French President, Emmanuel Macron personally travelled to Beirut and announced that a auxiliary meeting to be convened. Also, German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged aid. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas calls a “real reform” of the Lebanese government. That’s not enough, says the middle East expert, and Lebanese Abdel Mottaleb El Husseini

FOCUS Online is hitting Beirut their home country and especially the capital after the Explosion, heavy. What’s next in Lebanon?

Abdel Mottaleb El Husseini: It is a very big disaster. The existing crisis has now assumed a still more dangerous extent. In Lebanon, there are deep political, economic and moral ills. The Lebanese governments have plundered the country. The port of Beirut shows a symbol of the economic power, which is now completely destroyed. The build is slow going, because the Lebanese state is not able to pay for it. But the government will not help, because the Lebanon would have to compromise and change. Until a solution is found approach, will pass too much time.

FOCUS Online What role should the West play in the future?

Husseini: It is good that Germany, France, but also Russia, Qatar and Iran have offered their help. The West must continue to exert pressure on the government and the Opposition, the Lebanon reformed. The country is entitled to, although this is not the place to be more for international disputes such as between Iran and Saudi. To the West.

  • you can read more about the developments in Beirut in the News-Ticker at FOCUS Online.

Lebanese have no more perspective in the country

FOCUS Online Can be the Explosion of the death knell for the country?

Husseini: Yes. The country has survived many crises like the civil war of 1975 to 1990, but since then, the country has piled up a debt of 90 billion dollars.

in the long term, the Lebanese government must be trustworthy for the own population, but also for abroad. But this is as good as impossible. The Lebanese government wants to continue to control the country and is not interested in the country according to the dictates of the international community.

“Then a wave of refugees coming to Europe,”

FOCUS Online : Almost a Million Syrian refugees live in Lebanon. There could be a new refugee crisis?

Husseini: If the crisis continues, the refugees try to escape again. This can’t be avoided. The Lebanese are trying to leave the country, because you have no perspective any more. If the West does not stabilize the country, then a wave of refugees to come to Europe.

FOCUS Online : How do you assess the political steps of Germany after the disaster?

Husseini: It is a good sign that Germany has pledged financial aid. However, the German government holding the EU-presidency should have, even a picture in front of the spot make. AP Macron during his visit to Beirut. It would have been a strong sign of solidarity with the Victims, when foreign Ministers of the Meuse, as the French President, Emmanuel Macron, would personally traveled to Lebanon. To make it clear to the Lebanese government that it is time to reform. Eyewitness video of Explosion in Beirut, from different angles, FOCUS Online/Wochit eye witness Videos show Explosion in Beirut from different angles