We started from nothing, without swearing, without a party, without elected officials. Nobody believed in us. We started our campaign in the popular districts, where nobody wanted to go. Where the right, politicians in general are not going to for years. We pulled out of the european elections, and everybody was telling us : do not lose your time, start by shoring up your base by 8 %. They did not understand what we were doing. They do not understand what motivates us, what moves me.

Some have wanted me to caricature it. But the ones that I caricaturaient are those who dare not walk the streets without security officers. These are those who say that it is not necessary to go to tow at porte de Vanves, ” because it does not vote for us “, as was written on a loop e-mail the secretary of State for Equality, yes, hear well, to Equality between women and men. These are the ones who say they are progressive, and refuse to accept meritocracy when it is under their eyes.

Read also Municipal – “Selling AirPods to the deaf” : when Schiappa buries Buzyn

let’s Say, less than a month of this local election, the contempt strike in the first place, the Parisians who concentrated all the difficulties, economic and social insecurity.

let’s Say that others, who think they are already re-elected, block, by calculating electoral, access to Paris of the poor workers who are caring for their parents, their children, and their household. Let’s say, and here, we take the journalists to witness, not once in the course of these months of campaigning, we have not seen a Parisian we stigmatize as the fact that caste in power, nor at the cité des Envierges in the 20th arrondissement, or in the city Périchaux in the 15th district, nor to the city Errard-Charenton in the 12th arrondissement, or in the city Rosa Parks in the 19th district. And this also applies to the rue Cler, the porte d’auteuil or the île Saint-Louis. All these Parisians, in their diversity, know how to recognize in France to produce paths of integration in the republic such as mine. We went in all the districts of Paris from west to east, from north to south. We have despised person. We’ve talked about it at all.

Everywhere, we have seen the Parisians nauseated. Tired of not being listened to, tired of stress, tired of not being considered. And their disgust is transformed into forbearance. Force to be abandoned, they were abandoned. They have abandoned as this association, SOS The Chapel, which was decided on June 6, of its dissolution for lack of being heard for four years that it bears the distress of the inhabitants of this area became a zone of non-law. They were abandoned as the group of tenants of the rue d’aubervilliers that, at the end of several months, no longer had the material means to pursue its legal actions against the city Hall of Paris. They have dropped out as these 12 000 Parisians leave Paris every year.

When the inhabitants of Paris leave, those who present themselves to consider that they can afford.

afford to desert their ministry in the midst of a crisis health while ” knowing that the elections would not take place “.

Read also This chasm that reveals the confession of Agnes Buzyn

afford to refuse the gathering to become elected, touching his allowance and shelter, even to promote the re-election of mayors the most unpopular of France.

afford to think of themselves as already re-elected and to continue to impose its dogmatism, while one has made a score for the first round among the lowest in France for a mayor outgoing and that, in survey after survey, the camp of the disaffected remained the majority in Paris.

Paris is in the process of becoming like some of the suburban towns where the mayors are elected with 10 % of the electoral body. A country that, in its heart, in its capital, is no longer a genuine expression of democratic is a country on the verge of explosion. France’s divide all the sides, if atomised, if archipellise. And Paris is not spared ! Then, each day, each hour, each minute, we’ll continue to bring our project to Paris. Our only alliance is with the Parisians. The momentum we have built, we do owe that to the Parisians. We are so grateful for their trust, their energy that we have worn during these months of campaign. They have made the impossible possible. They have been taxed in the election. We have emerged as a force of alternation. They have made the change possible.

there is a majority of Parisians who doesn’t want any more of Ms. Hidalgo. Once again, it is the unique teaching of the last survey date. Then, very solemnly, let us say to all the Parisians, and to all the voters who have focused their votes on Ms. Buzyn : what do you really want for Paris ? Is it that you are ready to go again for 6 more years with Ms. Hidalgo ? Is that Paris will get over it ? We know that you want to deeply change. We understand that you have been able to think that your vote LREM could allow the change. But, today, every vote that will go to Agnès Buzyn will support the election of Anne Hidalgo. We know that you understand it. We know your lucidity. We can also understand sometimes your reluctance. But Paris cannot continue its decline.

The only application capable of making an alternation to Paris, it is the one of the lists Dati To Paris. On the 28th of June, made the choice of change.

Rachida DATI, mayor of the 7th district, candidate at the Mairie de Paris

Aurélien VERON, the head of the list “Dati For Paris”, Paris Centre

Anne BIRABEN, co-listière “Dati For Paris” Florence Berthout – 5th district

Jean-Pierre LECOQ, mayor of the 6th arrondissement

Joan of HAUTESSERRE, mayor of the 8th arrondissement

Peter MAURIN, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 9th arrondissement

Bertil FORT, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 10th district

Nelly GARNIER, the head of the list “Dati To Paris – 11th arrondissement

Valerie MONTANDON top of the list “Dati For Paris – 12th arrondissement

Jean-Baptiste OLIVIER, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 13th arrondissement

Marie-Claire CARRERE-GEE, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 14th arrondissement

Agnes EVREN, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 15th arrondissement

Philippe GOUJON, mayor of the 15th arrondissement

Francis SZPINER, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 16th arrondissement

Geoffroy BOULARD, mayor of the 17th arrondissement

Rudolph GRANIER, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 18th arrondissement

Mary TOUBIANA, the head of the list “Dati For Paris – 19th arrondissement

François-Marie DIDIER, the head of the list “Dati For Paris’ 20th arrondissement

writing will advise you

Municipal : 11 cities under pressure In Paris, the mission kamikaze Agnès Buzyn