A member of the Opposition in the Ukraine, Oleksiy Honcharenko, criticized in a public Facebook Post, the practice of debtors to remove their dogs, and sell on the Internet, such as the “BBC” reported.

to show How images of the other members, on a public auction portal on the animals, some of which already for a price of 2.50 Euro purchase. On average, you have to spend, however, a two-digit sum – still a bargain compared to German prices.

the dogs-Mafia animal friends gambles in the network

criticism from the Public

Many Facebook Users agreed with the criticism and responded with angry comments on the Posts. Another politician expressed and demanded that the bailiff should not seize any “innocent dog”.

The Minister of justice Denis Malyuska defended, however, compared to the “BBC Ukraine” the practice: “We really need to took animals to their owners, and hardware. Although they are taken because of the bankruptcy of their former owners, it often turns out that it is the Best, because Pets can be well taken care of.”

To the Well-being of the animals

He stressed that not all dogs are seized on the auction site, but some were also confiscated because they could bite someone or their attitude was not appropriate to the species and you should therefore come to a different owner. The low prices he explained that the debtor or a relative could buy back the animals for a symbolic sum.

Nevertheless, he now checks, whether the practice should be stopped. However, not before he has chosen himself a new four-legged friend on the platform.

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