in the Middle of the night, a Mercedes from burns on a field in Lampertheim complete. Should be covered up a criminal Offence?

Mercedes to burn cereal box in Lampertheim From the driver or the driver any trace of missing someone Wanted to cover up a Offense ?

Lampertheim – It was one of the more unusual bets, called the Feuerwehr late Saturday night (14.062020) was. And it is also one of the mysterious should be sera: in the Middle of a grain field, in the vicinity of Lampertheim (County of Bergstraße), a Mercedes Kombi in flames, but the driver was missing each trace.

Mercedes burns up on a grain field in Lampertheim: mystery of the driver

The Mercedes burned, when the fire brigade arrived at the scene. In the end, only a charred body remained. But it could have been worse. The cereals, luckily, was not ripe. The green and damp cereal crops offered very little attack surface for the flames, which raced the Mercedes complete verb. Otherwise, it would have been a fast, the whole field in flames.

Brand cereal box in Lampertheim: Mercedes burns completely

Quickly, the fire brigade could bring the Brand under control and eventually completely delete it. However, a driver who had steered the Mercedes into the grain field in Lampertheim, found the firefighters. Rescuers searched carefully the surrounding area, finally, the driver or the driver in shock, that could have gone somewhere, but firefighters found no one.

Mercedes stands on the field in the case of Lampert’s home in flames: With intent fired?

The now, the presumption is that the Mercedes was directed with intention into the field, to be fired. Whether the perpetrators wanted to destroy this traces of a criminal Offence or what may have otherwise driven to this fact, is currently still completely unclear.

came To a crash Drama on a field near Fulda, a few months ago. At that time a car accident on a Federal highway. As the forces arrived at the scene of the incident, they found a severely injured young man who died a little later of his injuries. The other occupants of the car had left him for dead and fled.