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German Corona-Warning App will be presented in the morning

Tuesday, 16. June, 8.55 PM: , The German Corona-Warning-App launches after several delays this Tuesday. They will be presented in the morning (10.30) of the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), interior Minister Horst Seehofer and Minister for consumer protection, Christine Lambrecht (SPD) officially. Then the App should be available for all the Smartphone users.

you want The application to warn users when Infected had questionable contact to a Corona. This alert can give the user then, for people with whom they had contact. The App was developed on behalf of the Federal government. The use is voluntary, however, the government promotes intensive for the application to download and activate. Here you can read the idea.

  • Corona-App ready for Download: The you need to about the Covid-19-Tracing knowledge

SPD politician Lauterbach Corona-Demos referred to as the “nail in the coffin” for the pandemic rules

Tuesday, 9. June, 08.12 PM: SPD-health politician Karl Lauterbach called for in light of the recent mass demonstrations for stricter rules to prevent a second Corona-shaft. “Such demonstrations are a nail in the coffin for the still-existing rules,” said Lauterbach, the “Tagesspiegel” (Tuesday). By the loud chanting masses had been of aerosols in a confined space. “For the fight against the Virus, it would be better to demonstrate with placards and banners.”

Lauterbach stressed the right to demonstrate, but criticized: “too many people, too few masks, to a little distance – the ideal Super-Spreading Event!”The chief of the German police Union, Rainer Wendt, said the “daily mirror”: “With police resources, a distance rule is in the case of an Assembly of many Thousands of people simply unenforceable.” In the case of riots, the officials were exposed to the now high risk of Infection, because some people considered the cause of their Demonstration as being more important than the protection against infection.

Ramelow warns of levity: “Virus is still active and aggressive,”

Monday, 8. June, 15.00: Prime Minister of Thuringia Bodo Ramelow (Left) has warned in view of images with crowded people on demonstrations, and parties in front of light-headedness. “The Virus is still active and aggressive,” said Ramelow on Monday during a visit to the Opel plant in Eisenach. There is therefore no reason at all to easy to sense. “To the extent that I like any of the images, where people squat to close to each other and sealing to each other Party.” dpa/Michael Reichel/dpa-Central picture/dpa, Bodo Ramelow (Left), Prime Minister of Thuringia, speaks at a press conference.

Ramelow (Left) praised the Eisenach Opel plant taken as a Corona-protection measures as a model. The production is slower, to ensure the protection of employees was higher.The Prime Minister had caused quite a stir, because he for far-reaching loosening of the Anti-Corona systems-measures and stimulated had spoken, the people have more responsibility instead.

Merz: don’t See Söder as a competitor to the Chancellor candidacy

08.23 PM: , The CDU-politician Friedrich Merz does not see the CSU-Chairman Markus Söder, according to its own representation in the race for the Chancellor candidacy. “I don’t see Markus Söder as a competitor for the Chancellor candidacy,” said Merz, who is a candidate for the CDU presidency, the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”. “I’ll take his Statement seriously, that he wants to stay in Bayern.” Söders statement that, next January, the Union candidate for Chancellor for the election of 2021 will be decided, he did not perceived as scamper. “We have established in the Union, following a clear order. The CDU shall elect its Chairman, after the CDU and the CSU decide who the common candidate for Chancellor is.”

Söder had with a view to the K-issue and the CDU party Congress said in December: “Who knows what will happen until then, everything.” In a Statement on Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), he had shows also added: “The crisis, whom the Germans in difficult times trust.”

This was all the more been more attentive registered as a Söders survey values currently very good. In surveys, it is the second most popular politician after Merkel and cuts off under the Union candidates for the Chancellor candidacy at best. The CDU presidency and, indirectly, the candidacy – apply in addition to Merz, also of North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet and the foreign politician Norbert Röttgen.

“I’m restless”: Merkel warns in TV Interview prior to the departure of Corona-rules

19.25: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has in the ZDF-show “What now, Mrs Merkel?” Position your policy in the Corona-crisis-related. In your answer to the question of whether or not your the Corona went to the current locker measures too far, appealed to Merkel to do this, the basic measures to be observed. the “I’m restless, if, for example, people no longer believe, we need the distance measures. We need“ , said the Chancellor. The mask was “absolutely necessary”. Clear should be that the measures should be maintained as long as there is no vaccine.

“every day We become wiser, with regard to the Virus,” said Merkel. The Chancellor also makes reference to the most recent foci of infection in a row of a religious service or a visit to a restaurant. You see, where there’s singing going or where you are sitting closely together, such as in a Bar, that it come to infections.

Merkel also commented on the question, how big is your fear of a second wave. You are sure that you could react in such a case, much faster. A prerequisite is that “we stick to what we have agreed”. As examples, Merkel called pass the 50 border at new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days, and the Corona lights in the Federal state of Berlin, “which is also quite a lot of violations.” Screenshot ZDF

Merkel warns: “This Virus has not disappeared, even if we see it. It is an imposition, but we need to be smart to react.“

Finally, Merkel also focuses on the role of virologists in the course of the pandemic. The question of whether the Council of the virologists have played too large a role, denies the CDU politician. “I am grateful that we have such great researchers, we have been able to ask.” Further, she stresses: “I like to have the advice of the scientists, but the political decisions we make.”

Söder considers VAT reduction for “the probateste” medium

10.09 PM: Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), the VAT reduction for “the probateste” means the Corona-stimulus package. In front of journalists in Berlin, Söder did not rule out that the step will be extended beyond this year . Just because you’ll the world so soon, no recovery, it is important to stimulate domestic activity.

Corona-stimulus package: The have decided the coalition

  • The be financially hard-hit communities get to because of the Corona-crisis, billions in aid from the Federal government . The tips of the CDU, SPD and CSU agreed that failures can be compensated for in the trade tax revenue of the Federation and the länder together.
  • the tops of The black-red coalition have agreed in the fight against the consequences of the Corona-crisis on a reduced VAT . 1. July to 31. December 2020, the value added tax rate from 19 percent to 16 percent and the reduced rate of 7 percent should be lowered to 5 percent.
  • families get to because of the Corona-crisis money from the state. The peaks of Union and SPD agreed a children’s bonus one-time payment of 300 Euro per child , to be paid out with the children’s money.
  • citizens and enterprises are to be relieved at the electricity costs . The EEG should be lowered to the levy for the promotion of green electricity plants starting in 2021 through grants from the Federal budget, as the decision paper is clear.
  • the tops of The black-red coalition have agreed on an additional support in the billions for the industries that are charged by the Corona-crisis. Planned “bridging assistance” in the amount of up to 25 billion Euro, as a decision by the paper shows.
  • The Deutsche Bahn to get from the Federal government due to Revenue shortfalls in the Corona-crisis, billions in financial aid. The Federal government plans to make the Deutsche Bahn further equity in the amount of five billion euros. Also planned are grants of 2.5 billion euros for the Public transport (ÖPNV).
  • The coalition partners have decided to against a purchase premium for low-emission petrol and diesel cars . The peaks of Union and SPD decided, however, significantly higher premiums for electric cars. Government lowers VAT: Here you will find out how much you can save Now to calculate!

read More about this here: Two days, a huge economic stimulus package: What are the Corona-aid who are scheduled to

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