Gérald Darmanin, elected Saturday, the mayor of Tourcoing (North), will accumulate “for a time” in this function with his ministerial portfolio with the blessing, he says, the tandem Macron-Philippe, and it now intends to “weigh more heavily on the choice” for the country.

Read also EXCLUSIVE. The day on which Macron and Philippe have selected Darmanin

” the president of the Republic and the Prime minister had been allowed to be a minister and a candidate. They have allowed, for a time, and having regard to the exceptional circumstances “related to the epidemic of Covid-19,” to exercise these two functions, ” said the minister of the Action and of the public Accounts in an interview in the Sunday Newspaper. “But without cumulating wages : I will not touch the compensation of the mayor, donated to the humane Society.

green light, until the reorganization

Exit the case-law established by Lionel Jospin in 1997 which requires that a minister may not direct a local executive. Certainly, it is an unwritten rule – which has endured exceptions, to the left and to the right (Le Drian, Sarkozy…), but the Prime minister had trumpeted in September 2019.

37-year-Old, the minister of the Action and of the public Accounts has, unsurprisingly, been elected on Saturday morning mayor by the municipal council of the second largest city in the North (100 000 inhabitants) behind Lille. His list had won the upper hand in the first round, the 15 march, with 60,9 % of the votes, amid abstention record (74.6 per cent). Gérald Darmanin found the seat occupied between march 2014, when the young elected then stamped UMP had delighted the town in the PS, and September 2017. At its input to the government, the minister, now LREM, had already waited four months before giving his chair to a faithful and become a first assistant.

Read also EXCLUSIVE. Municipal : the dinner of the Élysée, which has sealed the fate of the second-round

Unlike his colleague, Franck Riester (Culture) and Edouard Philippe, launched into the battle, announcing that they would not be mayor, Gérald Darmanin had posted the color from its application. “If I’m the head of the list, it is to be mayor “, warned it at the end of January in the Voice of The North. According to a government source, it will not, however, accumulate indefinitely : “he had the green light until the reshuffle” could take place in July or September. “It is not healthy to combine the two in the long term “, admits the person concerned.

“Weigh more” on the policy choices

of Course, it ” will be what the president [to him] will say to do “, as he says in the JDD, but not sure that the temptation to Tourcoing takes precedence over its national ambitions. Indeed, it begs the question on a change portfolio – it is said to be tempted by a large department-style social Affairs at the perimeter expanded, “the grandson of the immigrant” and “son of housekeeper” intends to “weigh more” on the policy choices and “continue to work” with Emmanuel Macron ” to fix our country.” “My commitment to the president of the Republic remains and will remain, regardless of my position within government or outside,” proclaims it.

also Read Philippe-Macron : in the secrets of their containment

If it does “not believe a word” of possible tensions Macron-Philippe, there is little disert on the head of the government. “It is a chance to work in confidence with Édouard Philippe, which is a great Prime minister,” he said soberly, pointing to the passage two times have been “elected in the first round” of the municipal where the Prime minister needs to face a second-round delicate on 28 June in le Havre. In fact, his interview in the JDD can be read as an offer of service to Matignon.

Back in the media

claiming the “gaullism” in social and confident to have voted for Jean-Pierre Chevènement in the first round of the French presidential elections of 2002, a point in common with Emmanuel Macron, Gérald Darmanin boasts “a third way “between” the unbridled capitalism and the economy “, argues for “a generalization of employee shareholder” and calls for ” a policy for the people “.

” We can’t do anything without the people “, says the one who voted ” no ” in the referendum of 2005 on the european constitutional treaty. Future Promotion or not, the head of the State has indeed decided to keep to his side, one of the few heavyweights of his team, which must, in the face of the economic crisis and related financial Covid-19, complete the key text of the proposed amended finance act, discussed at the end of June in Parliament.

Read also economic Stimulus : the other battle of the mayors

Sunday, the mayor-minister continues his sequence very political weekend of the Ascension, by participating in the Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI before you meet with a small committee of writers policies. A way back to visibility as he had seemed to disappear of the radar for the containment, eclipsed by the real boss of Bercy, Bruno Le Maire. On social networks, critics have cast Saturday on “the absence of gestures barriers and the low port of the mask” for the city council to Tourcoing.

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