thickness control for the thickness of the cars, so the Federal government wants to encourage more motorists to switch to climate-friendly models. On Friday, the Cabinet could approve the plans. However, this is not the only thing that’s coming soon on motorists.

Berlin (dpa) – The German government wants to bring the Germans to buy more climate-friendly cars. The road tax for big gas guzzlers will rise.

, is Calculated to be in the Corona-crisis, so a tax increase decided, however, that call will feel most of the citizens barely worth it.

The Problem: The Federal government wants carbon dioxide emissions from transport reduce by at least 40 percent, but the citizens buy more cars, more great terrain and SUVs that emit a lot of CO2. The new tax should be an incentive, the next time buying a new car, “without the prohibitions and criminal tax” to select a greener car, writes the Ministry of Finance in its draft legislation, which could be this Friday, the Cabinet decided. Then the Bundestag is on the train, it could change, also.

An Overview of the plans and what to expect motorists still:

THE NEW calculation model.

the aim of the new calculation is basically: thickness control for the thickness of cars. A tougher climate component a flows in addition to the engine based on the fuel consumption and the CO2 emissions of the car. It rises in six steps from 2 to 4 euros per gram of carbon dioxide per Kilometer.

Specifically, this means: Up to 95 grams of CO2 per kilometre, the climatic impact is on the tax at zero. From 96 to 115 grams of also – 2 euros per gram, and miles of fall – like so far. From a CO2 emissions of 116 grams per Kilometer, the climate component increases in comparison with the previous tax rate: first of all, to 2.20 euros, then 2.50 euros, of 2.90 and 3.40 euros up to a top set of 4 Euro for cars with CO2 emissions of 195 grams per kilometre. “The tax will change in comparison to the usual height,” predicts the Ministry of Finance for these cars.


CHANGES The majority of motorists will not feel the Change first in the purse because it applies only to new registrations. And also here not to long ago to pay all the more money. Electric cars are exempt for ten years from the motor Vehicle tax. Anyone who buys a different, very climate-friendly car, it doesn’t pay as well. Premiums in comparison to the previous control, it is only from a CO2 emissions of 116 grams per Kilometer. However, this means that The average new car is the tax more expensive.


According to the Ministry of the 2019 first-registered cars in the intersection had a CO2 test value of 157 grams per kilometre. This average car is with the new tax in the year 15,80 euros more expensive. Although ranging from a few cents up to more than 100 Euro. Thus, changes in an Opel Corsa with CO2 emissions of 95 grams, a typical small car, nothing. A FAMILY car like the VW Passat with 120 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre would be a Euro more expensive.

Larger the difference with the more popular SUVs in its Segment in the past year, more than one out of every five new cars fell. For a VW T-ROC, with 151 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre 11,50 Euro fell more for an Audi Q8 with CO2 emissions of 182 grams per kilometre, you would have to almost 42 Euro more to pay. In the case of a sports car like the Porsche 911 with 215 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometre, it would be 100 Euro more in a year, in a Ferrari, 812 340 grams of carbon dioxide per Kilometer, even a whopping 350 euros.


environmentalists think that the small additional Tax won’t dissuade you from the purchase of his favorite cars. If you wanted a real effect, not only fuel would have to hurl more expensive, but at the same time low-emission cars will be cheaper. Others, such as the FDP, fear of a large damage to the due to the Corona-crisis already battered auto industry, which deserves to SUVs well.

Generally speaking, some Changes to the drivers yet – both burdens as well as relief:


By 2021 at a CO2 price of petrol and Diesel makes it more expensive. In the first year, 25 euros per ton of CO2 – the equivalent, according to the Federal government a charge of gross about 7 cents per Liter of gasoline and 8 cents per litre on Diesel. In the first years of the price is set and step increases way, later on he to form of supply and demand. By 2025, the price gradually rises up to 55 euros in the year 2025. 2026 is a Price range of 55 to 65 Euro will apply.


workers with longer driving due to be relieved because of the rising fuel prices. From 2021 onwards, the commuters increases lump sum from 21. Distance in kilometers from 30 to 35 cents, from 2024 to further to 38 cents per kilometre. This amount you may deduct per day of the taxable income, it counts for easy removal. Who earns so little that he pays no taxes, to benefit from a mobility allowance.


Until at least the end of 2025, citizens who buy an electric car can benefit from an eco-bonus. With a list price up to 40 000 euros to 6000 euros for pure E-cars and up to 4500 Euro for a Hybrid drive electrically or with Fuel. For more expensive cars – up to 65 000 euros – there is a 5000 Euro Bonus for pure E-Cars and 3750 for Hybrid. The Bonus to the manufacturer to pay half, the other half comes from tax money. By the end of 2021, the state doubled its share as part of the economic stimulus package. Anyone who buys now is a pure E-car, then you can save up to 9000 Euro.

Car tax calculator Federal MINISTRY of Finance

German Federal government on CO2-pricing

Federal government environmental bonus

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