Racist violence is also a Problem in Germany, as a brutal attack on a student in Saarland shows. Therefore, it finds the Federal government is good, when racism is demonstrated. In Corona-but please with more distance.

Berlin/Saarbrücken (dpa) – Following a day of demonstrations against racism and police violence in several cities, politicians and trade unionists are arguing about how much racist thinking patterns prevalent in German security authorities.

The Federal government showed understanding for the concerns of the protesters, criticized, however, that at the rallies and in part due to the Corona pandemic is arranged in the clearance rules were ignored.

“It must be possible to carry on such events masks and the minimum distance of 1.50 meters to comply with,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert on Monday in Berlin. Demonstrators who were together, had led to “a huge risk and brought this,” said Seibert. He pointed to outbreaks of Coronavirus infection in a group to celebrate events such as Church services and family.

trigger for the protests in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Munich, and nearly two dozen other German cities last weekend, the death of the Black George Floyd in the United States was in a brutal police operation at the end of may.

The SPD Chairman, Saskia esque said the Newspapers of the Funke media group: “in Germany there is a latent racism in the ranks of the security forces, which have to be detected through measures of Internal governance and fight.” The vast majority of police standing such tendencies towards their servants is very critical and suffer from the potential loss of confidence resulting from the fact. In the workup of cases of unjustified police violence should not arise the impression that the police corps spirit of the games more important than the rights of the citizens. Therefore, an independent body should be entrusted with the handling of such complaints.

The trade Union of police (GdP) dismissed allegations of latent, structural or institutional racism in the German police outraged. “The police needs no verbal Slaps from Mrs esque,” said Sven Hüber, GdP-Vice for the Federal police. Also there is for their claim of excessive or racist violence in the German police authorities not to basis. “The allegations have to do with the reality.”

The Chairman of the German police Union, Rainer Wendt, sees the police even “significantly less” racism as in the total population. “Police officers make an oath of office to our Constitution and feel to this oath, the Dignity of the human person to the center, a life-long bound,” said Wendt of the German press Agency. The police have proved themselves in the past few decades, as “the rule of law, the democratic citizen police”.

In your own party Eskens is not shared by the accusation of a flat rate: He was for 14 years for the police and racist attacks, which he could assign to her, in General, have experienced, never, said the Rhineland-Palatinate interior Minister Roger Lewentz (SPD). However, “There is where people have on-the-go, individual misconduct,” said Lewentz. “So what, there is always, not only in the police but everywhere in society.”

The inner political spokesman of the Union group, Mathias Middelberg (CDU), said esque: “The police is free of people with racist attitudes, but racism as a structural problem in our police, I do not see.” Eskens “General suspicion” going too far. Also, the claim of the SPD Manager position according to a further nation-wide appeal superfluous. In the case of the police forces of the Laender there is already an independent Complaints or ombudsmen. “The Federal government, there is the anti discrimination body, and there is the just in March, the newly established Cabinet Committee of the Federal government to combat right-wing extremism and racism.”

defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said: “I think it is on the one hand, a good and an important and also an encouraging sign that so many people are gone in Germany against racism on the street.” Even more encouraging, however, is that “if each of us takes up the fight against racism, personally, very seriously,” said the CDU Chief.

For Bavaria’s Prime Minister, Markus Söder, it is important that the Democrats approach each other in solidarity against racism, anti-Semitism and extremism, as he said in the “Morning Briefing” of the journalist Gabor Steingart. This also applies to the handling of the AfD, with the help of racism have an extended Arm in the Parliament. “I think that this has to happen in Germany even clearer and harder.”

In Saarbrücken, Germany, was attacked last Saturday, a German, a student from Gabon – such as the office of the Prosecutor General is now told, from a suspected racist motive. The 24-year-old Accused had mentioned his 25-year-old victim, previously to his skin color, said a spokesman. The alleged perpetrator is in prison for attempted murder and assault in detention. According to the investigation, he had announced to the Gabonese to kill him, had beaten him to the ground and repeatedly tried to get him to stab. The students succeeded, therefore, the knife wounds to Dodge and flee.