, The billion-dollar Corona-stimulus package, the Federal government should also help the economy in the district of Erding boost. The merchants, artisans and tax accountants think of it.

County–VAT down, subsidies for families up: The billion-dollar Corona-stimulus package for Germany should also help the economy in the district of cranking. We have spoken with a tax Advisor Peter Ratajak, merchants, and craftsmen from the Region: Because if and who ultimately benefits from the stimulus package, remains to be seen.

pleasure state promotion of retail trade

“The stimulus package is, by and Large, a good thing. The more the state can hardly make,“ says circle of master craftsman Rudolf Waxenberger. And also Stefan Tremmel, Chairman of the förderkreis Dorfen, welcomes for the retail sale of the massive state support. However, the devil is famously in the Detail. Or to say it with Waxenberger to a good Bavarian: “A bissle G’is shooting this.”

by that he means the reduction of VAT from 19 to 16, respectively, from 7 to 5 percent. No matter, whether in the purchase of cakes or the installation of sanitary facilities, at the hairdresser, book shop or in the Restaurant – within three weeks, the entire computer needs to be switched for each operation, because from 1. July is the reduced tax rate – limited to a period of a year and a half.

Huge administrative burden

This is a huge administrative burden, says accountant Peter Ratajak, who has been for many years, law firms in Dorfen and Erding. Whether the tax cut goes to the end user, not sure. “We can take an example from the restaurant industry. A steak costs so far 9,80 Euro reduced the price to the consumer in the case of passing on of the tax rate reduction from 19 to 5 percent, to 1.15 euros. Possible that the host takes this difference as an increase in income, because he does not have to give this to the guest,“ says Ratajak. This is legitimate: “the catering had during the lock downs, immense loss of revenue. Many Restaurants struggle to Survive.“

dealers must all Were newly awarded, the POS system will be changed: “Whether the customer is ready to buy because three percent is suddenly very much more, it will show,” says Tremmel, principal occupation managing Director of the specialist market “technique for the operator of The Heuschneider” in Dorfen.

the customers value Bonus

The customer to Deposit the value on your Bonus, according to the Dorfener optician Armin Ponkowsky: “people come in the Store to ask now is, whether the tax is reduced for the glasses frame, and hold your order until 1. July back.“

It was by no means secure, such as chain stores or discount stores with the tax-cut deal, so Ratajak: “Here discount are offered often actions. What then, is the consumer, the bottom line is that, ultimately, is not traceable.“

To a complete mess of it when you Write the invoices, for example, in craft, in which payments will work. “The tax cut is temporary, only until the end of the year. As of January 2021, the conventional tax rate will apply again,“ explains Ratajak.

Many individuals suffer from short-time work

Who will start with the house construction, could save the tax cut already, says master craftsman Waxenberger. In the case of the individual award by the building owner, shell, roof or the plumbing in the turnkey construction of the entire house, everything – need to 31. December for completion in 2020 and will be removed. “People are careful, the uncertainty is large.”

after all, no one knows whether a second Corona-wave arrives, also, a lot of individuals suffer from the short-time work. The construction industry was passed during the Corona-crisis is really bad, finally, projects would be planned in the longer term, and craftsmen needed during the lock downs, so Waxenberger.

Worried about the Erdinger especially to the smaller Studios, such as in the foot or nail care, or to the snacks and confectionery, attached to the Baker and butcher, which would also be visited after the end of the contact barrier only sparse.

car dealer disappointed

The car dealers, however, are disappointed by the economic stimulus package: “I would have expected more,” says Michael Zachskorn from the dealership Kurth in Erding. The Honda dealer regrets that a direct sales promotion for cars is lacking with internal combustion engines. Finally, the car industry remains the key industries and with targeted premium gasoline, the value chain could jump again, and so the economy will be supported. “That would have given new momentum”, so Zachskorn. For electric cars, acquired from July 2020, will increase the environmental bonus of up to 3000 Euro net. “All car buyers benefit from a reduction in VAT from 19 to 16 percent by the end of 2020”, advertises Zachskorn. The bottom line is that there is no reason to whine, says Tremmel: “Sleeves and more.” (Michaele Heske)