The ax fell. In the course of a long speech, Emmanuel Macron has announced the establishment of a containment from Friday on throughout the national territory. It will enter into force at midnight and will last until 1 December. The head of State explained that it ” cultivates the hope of celebrating as a family this time so precious of Christmas and end of year celebrations “. The new measures will be presented by Jean Castex Thursday at 18: 30.

” The economy must not stop or collapse “, stressed the president of the Republic. “I ask a very big effort, want-with a lot of rigor. “Emmanuel Macron has also called on Wednesday, the French, who will have to live again under containment,” not to yield to the poison of division “, recognising that this period of “difficult” felt ” our resilience and our unity.” “I know the fatigue and the feeling of a day without end all of which we win, we have to whatever happens to remain united and in solidarity and not to give in to the poison of the division, has urged the head of State.

re-evaluation of the device “every two weeks”

“Every fifteen days, we will provide an update on the evolution of the epidemic, we will decide if any additional measures and we will evaluate then if we can alleviate some of the constraints, in particular on businesses,” said Emmanuel Macron. “I know that many traders had hoped not to close, I know that for the shops in the city centre, I ask a very big effort : would like it with a lot of rigor for fifteen days, (and) if by fifteen days, we understand the situation, we can then re-evaluate things and hope to open some shops, especially in this important period before the Christmas holidays,” added the head of State.

Read also Covid-19 : Europe to the test of the second wave

All schools in France will remain open.

Emmanuel Macron also announced that all schools in France will remain open during the new period of confinement ordered from Thursday midnight until the 1st of December, in an attempt to stem the second wave of the epidemic Covid-19.

“Our children should not be permanently deprived of instruction (…) the kindergartens, schools, colleges, and high schools will therefore remain open with sanitary protocols strengthened,” said the head of State during his televised speech, stating that the “online course” will be given “wherever possible” in the universities.

restaurants and bars remain closed

“The bars and restaurants will be closed” in France to combat the spread of the Covid-19, said Emmanuel Macron. “The shops that have been defined in the spring as non-essential, in particular in bars and restaurants will be closed,” said the head of State.

telework to new generalized

The work “will continue” during the confinement, “you will be able to go out to work,” assured Emmanuel Macron. But “wherever possible, telework will again be pervasive,” he continued, explaining that compared to the first episode of containment in the spring, ” the activity will continue with greater intensity “.

A special plan for small businesses

A “special plan” will be dedicated to self-employed workers, traders, as well as to SMALL and medium businesses, said Emmanuel Macron. “A special plan will be made for the self-employed, retailers, the very small and medium-sized enterprises “, said the head of State, adding that the employees and the employers”, who can not work will continue (…) to benefit from the part-time unemployment, we will complete measures of cash for the expenses, the rent of the next few weeks.”

Read also Coronavirus : the French economy is barely back to its level before the crisis

visits by long-term care Facility authorized

The visits of retirement homes and long-term care facilities will be permitted at the new containment of the population, unlike what happened in the spring. “In order to avoid the emergence of the human dramas that we experienced in the spring, that of persons only, at the end of life, find themselves totally isolated, the visits to the retirement home and long-term care facilities will be permitted, in strict compliance with the sanitary rules,” said the head of State.

quick tests mandatory deployed in airports

“quick tests mandatory” Covid-19 will be made “for all arrivals” in ” ports, airports “, and “for international travel,” said Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron. “No traveler should be able to enter the european territory without being sure that it is not a carrier of the virus,” he added, noting that the internal borders in Europe “remain open” and ” without exception, the external borders remain closed “.

Read also Coignard – Covid-19 : Castex at the time of the accounts

The sports competitions will be able to continue

Another announcement, this time coming from the minister of Sports, the professional sports competitions can continue during the new period of containment to be decided on Wednesday by Emmanuel Macron. “The top-level athletes and professional sportsmen can continue training. And they will also be able to continue to compete as travel for professional reasons, are allowed, ” said Roxana Maracineanu during the consideration of the budget of the Sports at the Palais-Bourbon.

Consult our folder : Covid : the time of the second wave

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New restrictions : the French economy can take the shock ?