Recently, the family of Nathalie (26) and Benjamin (29) heard on 21 July. Lost track of her at the Eighty Mile Beach near the town of Broome on the West coast of Australia. As informed by the police of Western Australia, they would have told their families they wanted to with their silver Nissan Patrol (built in 2002), the Gibb River Road travel. Since then, the families have had no contact to the two. However, it is not your type, not log in any longer.

The police of Western Australia is looking for the two and asks witnesses to provide clues to Nathalie, Benjamin, or of the vehicle to report. Lockdown at 2. Corona-shaft: infections in Lodge Christoph Spinner explains why he strongly advises against FOCUS Online Lockdown at 2. Corona-shaft: infections in Lodge Christoph Spinner explains why he strongly advises against
