Germany contributes 600 million euros. With the EU (300 million), France (500 million) and the UK (1.85 billion) are also more countries and institutions as a major donor.

private page, said Microsoft founder Bill Gates to the equivalent of about 1.4 billion euros by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Already at the beginning of may, the Foundation had donated $ 120 million to the development of a Corona vaccine.

What is the Global Alliance?

The Geneva-based global Alliance for vaccines and immunization (Gavi) was established in the year 2000. In addition to the Gates Foundation, the world health organization (WHO), unicef and the world Bank, the Alliance to include, among other things. Since its inception, the Alliance has helped to vaccinate more than 760 million children in the poorest countries of the earth, and to protect against life-threatening diseases.

this is made Possible, in particular, close cooperation with local health offices and selected social aid organizations of the respective countries, cooperate in the distribution of vaccines, also with the regional departments of the WHO. Especially for poorer countries with poor infrastructure, this Form of support is enormously important. Help need to apply for the Nations however. Gavi occurs primarily as a financier, the procurement of doses of the partners, Unicef will.

the work of The Alliance is also in the Corona of a pandemic is crucial: By the Virus, the spread of other infectious threat to increase in diseases, also, warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the conference. Germany had this to say about the containment of Covid-19 have already made investments of 100 million euros.

as soon As a vaccine was available, would have to be created the conditions to start a global vaccination campaign, continued the Chancellor. For this, it is important to strengthen health actors such as Gavi. France also plans to provide 100 million Euro in addition, once a vaccine against Covid-19 is available. dpa/Bernd Von Jutrczenka/dpa Seth Berkley, CEO of Gavi, speaks of 2015 at a conference in Berlin.

How to make a vaccine for all the people of the world?

the Unanimous opinion of the participants of the conference were the fact that vaccines must be accessible to all people. This is especially true for a possible vaccine against Covid-19, the – must be different than already available vaccines against Polio, typhoid, and measles go to the discovery and development time in the mass production.

For Elisabeth Massute from the legal Department of “Doctors without borders” is crucial to what conditions the funds are subject. “It takes conditions, to vaccines for a fair access of all countries, diagnostics, therapies, and test facilities,” she says to FOCUS Online. The only instance that can coordinate and should, be the WHO. Because that is where the Expertise of sun at the moment. “The only way poorer countries come to the negotiating table,” says Massute.

National interests should not dominate this process. “It is particularly suitable I think as a statement of the Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who said in March: ‘viruses have no nationality. Just as the antidote is not a nationality.‘”

What it takes, concretely, to ensure a rapid, global distribution of vaccines?

The cooling, the price and the speed of the production will be important in order to secure the global availability of vaccines, experts are sure. In large people no Problem economies. Experts and NGOs warn that this could be, especially in the poorer countries, difficult.

in addition to major defects in health systems, it lacks in poorer countries, at suitable production sites. Thorsten Schüller of CureVac, a German Biotech company, researching on a Corona vaccine, however, believes that it is less a matter of production sites in all countries. Because doses of the vaccine could also be easily sent around the world in countries to be transported, which can not produce on site. The world is better than your bad news – FOCUS Online provides you every Friday with the best stories from the field perspectives. Subscribe here for free Newsletter:

“in The end it is a financial issue and on the other hand, it is important to create the capacity to produce as many doses of the vaccine at the same time.” Where this is not done, is of secondary importance, says Schüller in an interview with FOCUS Online.

However, this means that the vaccine needs to be exported to countries with little or no production capacity. “Thus, an Export may be reasonable, it is necessary to ensure the international community that a vaccine as low as possible and barriers are linked,” says Massute of “Doctors without borders”. This means: No patents, and low prices.

In the past, this was not the first time, but always criticized the aid organization Doctors without borders. In a previous Gavi funds for a vaccine against pneumonia have shown that some countries may not refer to would be due to the high price, sufficient vaccines, said Marco Alves of the organization before the Start of the Gavi pledging conference. “This must not be repeated in the case of Covid-19.”

One aspect that the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, stresses: “A vaccine is not enough. We need global solidarity to ensure that every Person everywhere has access to it.” A Corona-Inoculants should be understood, therefore, as a common international Good. “Diseases know no borders.”

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