The brewery “Mohrenbräu” there since 1834, and from the beginning, their Logo was the cartoon-like Silhouette of a Black man with frizzy hair and thick lips. As the “star” reported, this Name and this Logo, but at the moment, for the umpteenth time in the criticism. Reason for this is the “Black Lives Matter”debate, and the related accusation that the brewery is performing with your brand of racist values.

Huber family, the owners of the brewery, have turned, therefore, with an open letter to the critics. The discussion would have you and your staff are very concerned too. “We stand for tolerance. We brew our beer for people of all cultures, living in Vorarlberg. When people have a beer together, results in mutual understanding and respect. The sociable Together,“ – said in the letter.

More on the current racism debate you can read here…

No racist Background by Tradition?

Nevertheless, the country is proud of the history and the traditions of the company. How do you explain in your opinion, would the Name of Alfred moor, opened in 1784, the Restaurant “Zum Mohren” with an attached brewery. His family coat of arms, which he used for the brewery, have shown a black Person, but come from a time in which there was a different way of dealing with People of color given. It would, according to the Hubers no racist Background, what you can make, however, is quite out of the question.

The brewery’s ruled, in spite of the defence of the Name and the logo to the criticism and announced that it would “assess the Situation”. Together with experts we would like to examine whether and how we could develop the brand identity further. It was also decided for the Moment to put all the Social Media channels still. To the topic not a substantive, respectful discussion is possible at the Moment. “Neither let us be a racist, yet we allow ourselves to people with xenophobic attitude the Association took”,the Hubers, the statements, which can be not with the values of the brewery combine, no longer want to tolerate.

the critique of society on canvas: The artist Michael Soi PCP critique of society on canvas: The artist Michael Soi
