“A gift from God”: So, U.S. President Donald Trump called the Malaria drug Hydroxycholorin in the spring of this year. Again and again he campaigned for the so-called Corona remedies and even stated it myself for prophylaxis. In the meantime, is clear: Covid-19-of treatment, hydroxychloroquine is considered to be unsuitable, the WHO a introduced at the beginning of July, the appropriate drug testing.

Nevertheless, Trump spoke out on Tuesday again for the Mediterranean. At the press briefing, in which he informs about the current Corona-the situation in the United States, said the US President: “Many Doctors think it is extremely useful.” For example, the Houston Doctor Stella Immanuel: “she was very impressive. She said she had enormous success with hundreds of patients. I thought your voice was important,” gushed Trump. The US President was apparently so thrilled by the Physician, that he shared one of your Videos in the social networks.

Twitter and Facebook have deleted the contributions of the US President, however, in the meantime. The reason is that the services of The dissemination of false information to counteract want. Because if you look at the personnel Stella Immanuel more closely, it becomes clear: The Doctor makes, especially with crude conspiracy theories from the Talk.

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Alien-DNA, demons, Sex: Emmanuel known for crude theses

So the Doctor claimed in the past, for example, in the White house were aliens and reptiles in Power. In various Videos on YouTube, she explains, is that Masturbation and sex dreams with demons can be the cause of gynecological diseases, such as cysts or endometriosis. And science, too, is not spared from Immanuel’s abstruse assumptions: The Physician, according to the researchers, would create a vaccine with Alien DNA to immunize people against Religion.

The Video, which has been widely circulated Trump in the social networks and in which Immanuel has been at the forefront, shows a media conference, the physicians ‘ community, “America’s Frontline Doctors”. Was staged the Clip of the representatives of the right-wing populist platform to “Breitbart”. Immanuel claimed in the Video, first, that the Wearing of masks help against Corona. Specifically, she says: “you have no need of masks, there is a cure.” And further: “We don’t need a Lockdown, there is prevention and cure.”

Trump is promoting these statements. He distributes them among its more than 80 million followers. At the same time it creates itself again and again with his direct advisors, such as disease expert Anthony Fauci, ignored their advice.

the statements of the Doctor stand in stark contradiction to the findings that were able to attract researchers to the Coronavirus. So it is now proven that the Wearing of a mouth-nose protection, helping to stop the spread of the pathogen. Researchers from the USA came also in the beginning of June, published study to the result that through the Lockdown, several million people could live to be saved. Domestic Isolation, the closure of businesses and a General standstill of life in society have proven to be as effective measures to contain the pathogen.

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“I have treated 350 patients and only one is died”

But instead of for masks or distance, bids to promote Immanuel in the Video kicking the drug hydroxychloroquine. “Nobody needs to be sick,” she explains in front of the camera. “I have treated 350 patients and only one died,” said the Doctor. Studies, which would warn of hydroxychloroquine, are “fake science”. That Trump play the statements of the dubious miracle healer in the cards, is clear: “I think you lose nothing if you take it. Except that it seems to be politically not too fashionable,” said the US President recently.

in fact, the medicinal products competent authority made already some time ago significantly: hydroxychloroquine has caused some of the Covid patients serious side effects. Examples of the damage that could cause HCQ, according to the “Food and Drug Administration” (FDA), heart rhythm disorders, as well as muscle and nerve damage. According to the authority, neither the mortality nor the length of the hospital had visits by the ingestion of hydroxychloroquine reduced. Reuters/Kevin Dietsch/Pool UPI/AP/dpa-health expert Anthony Fauci expresses continue to be critical of the development of the pandemic in the United States – and is, in turn, criticism.

It was “unlikely” that the drug for the treatment of Covid-19 is suitable. And also trump’s chief immunologist Anthony Fauci of the “BBC said” on Wednesday: “We know that every single good study and a good study, I mean a randomised control study in which the data is backed up and credible – has not shown that hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19 is effective.”

the Clip was deleted, but the damage is far,

, will be the HCQ-Promoting-Video to Immanuel, in the meantime, of the social networks. The fact that Trump spread the Clip, however, is likely to be a certain amount of damage. The Situation is reminiscent of the recommendation of the U.S. President, to inject against Corona disinfectant. This he had declared later as “sarcasm” – since many Americans were, however, already at his call followed, and had, poisoning with household cleaners.

Critical questions about his Liaison with Immanuel Trump dodged recently at a press conference, broke off the question and answer session ahead of schedule. Instead, he said to hydro chloroquine: “I have taken it. I didn’t get a Corona. To me it has to be used.” 150,000 Dead in the United States. And the Supreme leader of the country speaks only of himself.

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